Forum Activity for @robert-schuler

robert schuler
03/05/25 11:37:17AM
257 posts

Shortest scale length to help with playing on 4 strings

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

The shortest scale dulcimer I make is 24". I use 12 12 14 22 strings without any problems. The nice thing about short scale dulcimers is tuning to pitches much higher then Dad...Robert 

robert schuler
11/15/24 09:47:33PM
257 posts

Silicone Free Furniture Polish

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Tung oil works well when applied really thin on fingerboards. I go to great pains to keep all things silicone away from my work benches. If in doubt rub any suspicious wood surface with acetone. There are many fine paste waxes that are silicone free...Robert 

robert schuler
11/12/24 10:51:30AM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Let hope the furry critters don't dig your bulbs up like they do mine.

robert schuler
09/01/24 02:50:07PM
257 posts

Play Music On The Porch Day 2019

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hope you all had a good porch picking. Although I spent most of the day  corn picking I did find time for a tune on my porch. Each year I  choose a tune to mark the day, this year it's Kesh Jig. It's a very simple tune that's fun to play...Robert 

robert schuler
09/01/24 02:34:38PM
257 posts

RIP Happy Traum

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I got to know the Traums from SingOut magazine. I just dug out 1972 volume 21 no3. If you have that issue there is a great interview of the Traum bros...Robert 

robert schuler
02/28/24 11:37:39AM
257 posts

What Are You Working On?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Marg, you can make a very good end pin with a nail. Drill a hole first then glue in a nail. Tapping in a nail will shock the dulcimer and possibly break something. Remove the nail head before installing. Set the nail about 3/4" deep....Robert 

robert schuler
06/05/23 09:27:27PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Strawberry season started early this year. We were picking from late April until a week ago. Cool dry weather made some of the best berries ever. Next year's plants arrive in three weeks.

Asparagus picking ended two weeks ago, now I'm letting the ferns grow for next year. Hope to be picking tomatoes from the greenhouse  by late June. 

I hope everybody has a great garden. Life is good...Robert 

robert schuler
04/01/23 11:55:49AM
257 posts

Connection Between Hammered and Mountain Dulcimers?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I saw my first hammered dulcimer in a 1972 issue of Singout magazine. I went back and  read it again only to get lost in all the other great stories from folks long gone and others now very old. It gave no history just a how to build our own for $5.

I can't add anything about its origins but I did build one 17 years ago. I keep it in my dining room always handy to play whenever I pass  by...Robert

robert schuler
02/05/23 10:07:48PM
257 posts

to get chromatic or not

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

DavisJames, the drones and tuning in modes is what makes a dulcimer such a unique and beautiful sounding instrument...Robert 

robert schuler
01/15/23 11:27:19PM
257 posts

to get chromatic or not

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

ErthLing, I built a chromatic dulcimer for a customer and was quite excited about the project because it gave me a chance to explore the possibilities before I shipped it. But after playing diatonic for 50 years I found the extra frets a distraction. But give it a try. A lot depends on the type of music you want to play... Robert.

robert schuler
09/16/22 10:29:10PM
257 posts

Bass Dulcimers

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I built a 30" scale dulcimer  2 inch deep with the duel purpose of tuning for bass or baritone. It sounded quite nice as a bass but I keep it tuned baritone. Having a bass in your stable can come in very handy if your going to play with others. If I build another I'll probably go to 2.5 or 3 inch deep. But I'll definitely keep the 30" scale. ..Robert

robert schuler
04/27/22 04:55:55PM
257 posts

baritone guitar

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Very useful if you sing in a lower key. My long neck banjos are baritone. 30" scale dulcimers make great baritones. .. Robert

robert schuler
04/19/22 03:26:07PM
257 posts

Various Tunings

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I'm always tuning between daa, dac, and dag. It's the way those of us who play primarily diatonic dulcimers find those extra frets. Modes expand the dimensions of our instrument....Robert

robert schuler
02/24/22 07:48:30PM
257 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Great poster!!!. Absolutely love it, the old timer sorta reminds  me of me😊....Robert.

robert schuler
02/11/22 02:59:58PM
257 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Either date sounds good to me. Actually sounds as good as a dulcimer...Robert 

robert schuler
10/25/21 09:03:53PM
257 posts

What Are You Working On?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Dusty, I tried Sally on my 1.5 8.5 fret model thinking the minor notes in dad tuning would be a breeze. No such luck. I switched to my pure diatonic model tuned cAD and it played well. I tried dAA with a capo and as you said it was wanting  for an 8.5 fret...Robert. 

robert schuler
10/24/21 10:46:30PM
257 posts

What Are You Working On?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Sally in the Garden, I wanted a tune to add to my list of tunes for playing on banjo in double C tuning. I've been playing Sally for the last week. It is a minor mode tune that plays nicely in clawhammer  style.

Ok so next was playing on dulcimer. At first I didn't think It could be played noter style but in  aeolian mode it worked well, only have to jump to the A string for an open A and first fret B.... Robert.

robert schuler
09/28/21 10:09:37PM
257 posts

String Sources, gauges, types

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Online company called Just Strings sells every kind of string for every kind of string instrument. Including individual strings ball or loop end...Robert

robert schuler
08/29/21 12:15:23AM
257 posts

worldwide Play Music on the Porch Day

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

First I'm thankful to have a porch to pick on, although it needs a coat of paint. The day was cool and cloudy with a nice breeze.

Lately I've been playing my Galix dulcimer that I neglected for a couple of years. If you never played a Galix, you don't know what your missing.

I played the quintessential Galax tune Fly Around My Pretty Miss. Tater patch, Groundhog, and a favorite of mine although a bit unconventional for Galax style St Anne's reel.

I was hoping it would rain so I could play a little longer but it didn't so I had to get back to work picking sweetcorn instead of my dulcimer. I hope everyone had a nice day. If not we'll then play your dulcimer and things will get better...Robert

updated by @robert-schuler: 08/29/21 12:17:20AM
robert schuler
07/18/21 11:17:26AM
257 posts

Any banjo players out there?

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Back in 1971 I had a cheap what some call a bottle cap banjo. A good Vega banjo was around $300. I could not afford one. Then 30 years later they were in the one to three thousand dollar range. I thought I could build a shop and build my own for less. I did!. I've got long necks, short scale, normal scale, fretless, semi fretless, six string. 10" , 11" , 12" pots , block rims, plywood rims, brass tone rings, wood tone rings. I had to restrain myself from building more and focus on dulcimers. All together they cost me about the same as one high quality open back banjo....Robert

robert schuler
05/25/21 01:13:06PM
257 posts

Making a dulcimer humidity resistant?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I build dulcimers in a humid coastal climate and I do worry about shipping a dulcimer to very dry climates. So far I've had no complaints. I  always use aged dry wood to start with and that helps.

All instruments need a time to acclimate to there new home.

I would be more concerned if the dulcimer has wood pegs. Wood pegs are like barometers when the climate dries I  know  because I'll hear strings popping in the night!. 

Back in the sixties during the guitar boom, made in Japan imported instruments came with a thick plastic like finish to survive the ocean crossing. Which is why they sounded so bad.

Today imports are shipped climate controlled.

I would say start with good aged wood and a good thin oil finish and cut your fret slots with a saw intended for fret tang dimensions  and you'll be ok... Robert 

robert schuler
02/19/21 06:07:42PM
257 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Lisa, your plant points toward the promise of spring.....Robert

robert schuler
01/05/21 06:05:31PM
257 posts

"Floating" Fretboards

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

A Fingerboard can easily account for 25% of the soundboard. So raising it has to make a difference. You only need to raise it a couple millimeters. I prefer to hollow out under the Fingerboard and leave 4 mm. on each side glued to the top. I add a soundhole on the fingerboard like I've seen on some Galax dulcimers, that might help tone a bit and looks cool too.

I think restraining the top with a glued fingerboard can actually help in making that very  intimate tone that is unique to dulcimers. Although I welcome those who push the envelope we better be careful not to end up with dulcimers that sound like skinny guitars....Robert

robert schuler
12/21/20 06:14:11PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

I highly recommend Johnnys Selected Seeds in Winslow ME. They have the largest selection of seed for sprouts and micro greens. All are organic and definitely not treated with fungicides. Check them out.... Robert

robert schuler
12/13/20 06:48:05PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Nice sprouts! I making dinner  and would love a bunch of them NOW.

Just picked the last of my romaine lettuce from the field. I had them on raised beds covered with black plastic mulch so frost never got them. Cold weather really brings out the flavor... Robert

robert schuler
12/09/20 09:18:50PM
257 posts

My Jeffreys dulcimer is 49 years old today!. Number 1865. I still remember the excitement I had the day it arrived. Still in perfect condition. It became the model I use to make my own instruments. I never seen a dulcimer in real life before but it started me on a great journey into traditional old time music... Robert

robert schuler
11/26/20 11:47:00PM
257 posts

Action is too low

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Sight down the Fingerboard it may be warped. Try putting a very thin shim under the bass side of the bridge. A shim should be no thicker than a guitar pick. That might solve the problem. You might just have a fret that's too high in some spot. Check to see if all frets are set properly. A gentle tap with a hammer might fix that. Perhaps the frets were not leveled properly by the builder. Dulcimers are not rock guitars, raising the action with a taller bridge is fine, and the tone and volume will definitely sound better.... Robert

robert schuler
09/12/20 02:21:18PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Here in South Jersey we've been continually blasted with rain and humidity since June. My and my neighbors vegetable farms are looking poorly. But I still have plenty of food for myself and family. Lately I have been going stir crazy, stir fry crazy that is ☺. 

robert schuler
08/26/20 11:05:10PM
257 posts

Assessing Tone

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I took 12 dulcimers that I built exactly alike. Only difference was the mixture of woods. Each one had its own distinct tone. As it should be. But all sounded good. Every piece of wood even from the same stock will have different densities and different vibration characteristics. larger or deeper body's don't necessarily sound better or louder. Nice thing about guitars is that you can go to any music store and compare, unfortunately that doesn't work for dulcimers. Buy from a reputable builder and stay away from the very low priced imports... Robert.

robert schuler
08/17/20 03:33:59PM
257 posts

If I Had a Hammer (dulcimer) but no left-hand

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I built a HD in 2006. I keep it in my dining room and play it rarely. But I love the sound. If your right handed, learning the left hand isn't too hard. I found by only using the left hand gave me a degree of coordination. Still it comes down to practice. Changing to lighter hammers helps as does adding felt edges to soften the tone. One thing I would do if I built another is color the soundboard dark with walnut stain. It makes seeing the strings easier... Robert

robert schuler
05/04/20 03:20:09PM
257 posts

Is the strumhollow redundant?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I add a strum hollow on all the dulcimers I build. I assume my customers expect it. And it looks cool. But do you need one? I would say no. Personally I never play over the hollow. Usually it's over the twelfth to sixteenth fret area. But I can see it's usefulness with finger picking. Metal finger picks especially.... Robert.

robert schuler
04/21/20 04:14:43PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

I plant five acres of vegetables by myself for my roadside market so I get plenty of exercise. Around here in zone 7b there are hundreds of vegetable farms planting already. But for exercise, I would rather be riding my bike. Especially since traffic is alot less now. Only about 350 cases in my county so being out in the fresh air is quite liberating. I pray everyone gets through this... Robert.

robert schuler
03/12/20 03:01:51PM
257 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Robin Thompson:

There's a pot of tomato-based bean soup cooking on the stove now for lunch.  It is a sunny and warm-ish day here in our neck of the woods.  So, maybe lunch out on the front porch.  :)

I've got a pot of chicken soup on the stove. Trying to do farm chores with a pot cooking on the stove is a bit of a challenge. You know, being two places at once. Not a bad day for some porch picking too.... Robert

robert schuler
12/02/19 12:29:52PM
257 posts

John Molineux uses a striker on a mountain dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Robin for such a lovely video. I use a hammer from my hammered dulcimer. HD hammers have just the right balance, making it easier to pick out individual notes, and create that distinctive bouncy sound... Robert




robert schuler
10/11/19 11:20:36AM
257 posts

McSpadden Possum Board Volume

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Anybody who has played a dulcimer knows how much better they sound when the back is unrestrained. Possum boards really help but mostly they allow an easy way to free up the back plate to vibrate freely.Any hardwood will help reflect sound a little bit not very much. I did an experiment playing with my birch possum board then covering board with sheet  brass. Followed that by covering board with a cotton kitchen dish towel. There was barely any difference in volume. Just raising back of dulcimer any way you can is all you need.

Somewhere I saw someone who mounted a dulcimer on an acoustic table that acted as a resonator. I have to build one someday... Robert.


robert schuler
08/10/19 11:32:54PM
257 posts

Play Music On The Porch Day 2019

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

This Saturday was the first pleasant Saturday all summer to play on my porch, so I got a head start. Only had a hour to spare but it was time well spent!. Cherokee shuffle, Over the waterfall, Seneca square dance, Boatman, Girl I left behind, Big Sioty, Saint Ann's reel. And some basic noodling, I love noodling...

robert schuler
06/16/19 07:29:17PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Slate Creek Dulcimers: Two miles on the fatbike today. Had to push about 1/4 mile of it. I'll gradually increase by about 1/2 mile per day until I get back to 8 to 10 miles.

I find if I ride often I can quickly build myself up to longer distances each time. Land here is flat so its easier for me... Robert.

robert schuler
06/13/19 10:04:37PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Andreas Fischer:

Thats true.
And i am taking the chance to find the way between those extremes.

I remember how it was with 178 kg, just leaving the house made me be exhausted and completely out of air. I hade to wait before i was able to put on the safetybelts in the car. My heart did feel like it want to burst, i think i was close to get a heart attack or a stroke. I was so unfitt, taking a shower was nearly unpossible or just putting on socks was a terrible task and i had to take a breake between the socks.

Now i walk without pain and my lungs and heart feel ok.

And riding the bike will make me even fitter. And loosing more weight will make it much better. And i am looking forward, that feels good.

I could think about that i was down to 112 kg already and did gain weight up to 150 again, that was not good but thats past and soon i will be under 112 kg ;-)

I suffered from chronic knee pain for 30 years. Got a bicycle 15 years ago, a hybrid type not one of those road bikes. Riding solved my knee pain, never suffered again! No pills no elastic braces. I wish everyone would ride and play music, it would really make us all healthier... 

robert schuler
06/13/19 09:58:58PM
257 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Robin Thompson:

@Robert-Shuler I hope you're moving today!  Are they pumpkins good for pies?  :) Pumpkin pie is my favorite.  

A lot of pumpkin pies for sure!. I promised to give myself a day off and recoup, maybe learn a new old fiddle tune. But I'm only 65, still a kid yet. I recoup fast... Robert