Interesting Dulcimer on ebay

Scott Collier
Scott Collier
10 years ago
14 posts

Hey thanks guys! Kevin, I assume the shape and dimensions were to help in volume over singers? I still like it and will keep an eye on it.

Kevin Messenger
Kevin Messenger
10 years ago
85 posts

Scott, looks like a church dulcimer, many had this shape and were 6 string, deep bodies. They were also set up as many baritone dulcimers were , with a little heavier strings. for instance 12 12 12 18 25 35. Not saying this one could use that string set up ,but, it looks like a church style dulcimer to me.

Dan Goad
Dan Goad
10 years ago
155 posts

The VSL is quite long at 29". That's ok if you have big hands but if not, it's a big stretch to move more than on fret. Price isn't bad at all but I wouldn't go to high. I'm not aquainted with the maker at all. I have small hands and skinny fingers and can't do Chord/Melody on a 6 string. I have enough trouble with 4 strings. LOL

Scott Collier
Scott Collier
10 years ago
14 posts

Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted but I saw this dulcimer on ebay and I'm very interested.

It's by a B J Roth and made in 1973. Just wondering if anyone have heard of this maker and what you all think of the instrument? I asked and it doesn't have any cracking or separating. I'm thinking of bidding. I'd appreciate opinions.

updated by @scott-collier: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM