Hi all , I have been a member here since 2012, and have made many friends . I spend my time building Reproduction Dulcimers ,for Noter Specific Players. I have enjoyed learning to play the dulcimer with the help of FOTMD , and even more I enjoy hearing others play the instruments that I build. You can visit my website @ kmdulcimers.com
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AllSound sample of restored John D, Tignor.
Here is a sound sample on the John D.Tignor I just finished restoring....
@Kevin Messenger 11 years ago - Comments: 9
Spotted Pony on My Eli Presnell Reproduction
Just wanted to add a sound file of the Eli Presnell reproduction...
@Kevin Messenger 12 years ago - Comments: 4
Thomas repro. For Lexie.
Here is the sound file for Lexie on the Thomas Repro. I just...
@Kevin Messenger 10 years ago - Comments: 23
Thomas completed
I just recently completed another dulcimer for Gregg Gunnar, a Thomas...
@Kevin Messenger 8 years ago - Comments: 17
I recently saw a Sheitholt on ebay , and thought it was interesting. I...
@Kevin Messenger 11 years ago - Comments: 12
Prichard #25 finished
I have finished building the 25th Prichard and the 56th dulcimer. It...
@Kevin Messenger 8 years ago - Comments: 0
Prichard #25 finished
I have finished building the 25th Prichard and the 56th dulcimer. It is...
@Kevin Messenger 8 years ago - Comments: 3
Prichard ,Presnell,Hick's and Glenn
Here are the photos of the four repro's to show that they have...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 3
Two latest builds
Here are my two latest, a Leonard Glenn(twin of the last one) ,and a...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 4
A peek at what im working on.
Here is a peek at what im working on, it is an Eli Presnell repro. I...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 4
Leonard Glenn Repro.
I recently did some repair work on a L.Glenn dulcimer and made...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 6
Just scored some nice Butternut
Today was my 60th birthday and my 92 yr.old mother bought me this piece...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 10
Prichard #20 ready to finish.
I have just finished getting another Prichard ready to finish. This...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 9
Prichard #19 complete.
Finished this Prichard this afternoon. All Poplar , Just Intonation,...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 8
Prichard #18 complete
I recently finished another Prichard Repro. for FOTMD member Gail Weber...
@Kevin Messenger 9 years ago - Comments: 9
Teardrop is finished
Here are some pics. of my finished Chestnut and Walnut dulcimer, Just...
@Kevin Messenger 10 years ago - Comments: 4
Teardrop in The Clamps.
This is a Chestnut and Walnut teardrop that I am working on for the...
@Kevin Messenger 10 years ago - Comments: 8
Two Chestnut Dulcimers done.
Just finished another Chestnut dulcimer. I have been busy getting ready...
@Kevin Messenger 10 years ago - Comments: 9
Newest Chestnut Dulcimer Build
Here are some better pictures of my latest build. It is Chestnut, and...
@Kevin Messenger 10 years ago - Comments: 10
A little good news
Hi folks there is a group here in Bruceton Mills, called All Things...
@Kevin Messenger 11 years ago - Comments: 4
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AllRecent article in a local paper.
Posted: Sunday April 10 2016, 3:14 AM
By: @Jan Potts
By: @Jan Potts
Kratz Zither done
Posted: Thursday March 31 2016, 2:26 PM
By: @Lexie R Oakley
By: @Lexie R Oakley
1980 Rabbit Junction Dulcimer Festival.
Posted: Sunday October 5 2014, 4:31 PM
By: @Rob N Lackey
By: @Rob N Lackey
Look Who Came to Visit!!
Posted: Thursday December 19 2013, 9:57 PM
By: @John C. Knopf
By: @John C. Knopf
Kevin, Gail Webber out of her generous heart gave me her Prichard repro. you made for her. She is thinning out and thought of me, I guess she knew my dream.
Kevin, I love it, it is really beautiful work, so fine and just a real beauty.
I love the finish and it is funny how for me the head piece and the black finish make the dulcimer look heavy, oh but it is light, so wonderfully smooth and slick to play. I am also happy about the perfection tuners, it is truly SWEET!
I just want you to know I appreciate and love the 2 instruments you have made, they are remarkable.
Thank you for your fine work.....Lexie
Kevin, did you buy that $35 video camera from Family Dollar that we spoke about several months ago. If so, how did it work out?
We met at Cracker Barrel. Thought I said that..oh well. Sometimers settin in again.
Hey Kevin. What time did you get home last night?
Rob dropped around1:45 this afternoon. Bev met us their. Never saw that place so crowded. Needless to say we didn't wait...
See that you made it here. What do ya think?
Oh and Kevin, Ken Longfield told me that you modeled my Thomas after the original 1931 that he has. I will get the winter 2015 back issue so I can read the article he wrote about that Thomas original.
That is too Cool! Just to add to my special Thomas replica.
Thank you, I don't have words, except (EXQUISITE!) it is all I dreamed of and you do lovely work.
Kevin, you packed it well, sorry I did not check my mail yesterday.
I kinda figured out the "Perfection tuners" and John Henry was kind enough to explain what I need to do. The slip was a shock first try, then I remember reading about perfection tuners on our wonderful site.
I will get a tune ready to play for you and our friends!
Kevin, I want to thank you for your kindness and contributing to my Dulci' Dreams, not to mention one of the best birthday gifts I have given myself.
I will be talking to you, have an excellent day! I gotta go play those sweet strings!
Kevin, I so enjoyed the sound of my Thomas replica, Aww-Oh, so sweet!
You do fabulous work and I love the reviews you got on the perfection tuners, although if it were not for my fingers I would have bought the Thomas with wood tuners. I appreciate the accommodation.
I will look forward to it arriving on Friday and will let you know.
It has been great working with you and I am most certain I will be very happy with playing my Thomas.....Thank you for once again making a Gem!
Right then Mr M ! having watched like a hawk for any adverse comments on your builds (lol) the time has come for me to 'bite the bullet' and attempt to buy me a genuwine USA made replica ! Of course, that could only be a Pritchard as made by yourself, I ain't got long left, but would like to think I could leave my MD playing son something he could cherish.
Sooo..........Kevin!, before we talk detail is it possible for you to give me a ball park figure, including delivery to the UK ? I know that I shall have to pay import, Vta, ect this end, and that might of course be the deciding factor, but I have to make an attempt at least ! No 'mates rates' please, just what you would charge anyone else. Should the exercise prove too expensive for my pensioners pocket, then I hope you will not be offended should I decide against purchase ? I have also considered that you may not wish to make me an instrument anyway, chuckle, I should just have to accept that !!! In the mean time could you provide me with the basic spec. for your replica, O.A. length, VSL, height of fingerboard ect ? I know that I have the excellent drawing you sent over, but always like to use the 'belt and braces' approach ?
my best wishes
Hey, Kevin, I love seeing and hearing your instruments! I'm so glad to see replicas of the old instruments being built.Happy strumming!
Hey Kevin, just got the strings out of the mail box today.
Hi Kevin. Was a pleasure meetin you and the Wartz crew in person. Thanks for the hospitality and doing all the hosting duties. Hope to meet again and share more wood tools and techniques stories.
thank you very much. I would really like someone who builds/knows/can play/dulcimers to look at mine. Like I said I built most of it 42 years ago and just finished it this August. It has some problem with the bridge (too high) -I am lowering it in steps. My Frets are not all level and I am working on them. I do have a bad ringing form the bass string (3 string tuned DAA) which I don't have a clue except its not hitting any frets. I would really appreciate it if you would look at it and suggest whether its is kindling or not. I am retired so I could easily bring it over to you to look at. At your convenience - thank you again.
Dulcimer #11 has arrived at its new home. For those of you who have just seen its pictures on FOTMD, it looks even better close up and sounds great to boot. Get your name on the order list. You won't be disappointed.
Greg Gunner "Banjimer"
The Proud Owner of #11
Go ahead and put my name on your build list for a Prichard replica. I would like it as close to the originals as possible. From looking at L. Allen Smith's book, it looks like most had some sort of black purfling finish and were made of poplar. From looking at your pictures on your website that's pretty much what you've been building. If you provide me with a mailing address, I can get a check in the mail on Monday. Or better yet I can send you the down payment via Pay-Pal if you are set up for that. I'll probably put $200 down and pay the balance when you have it finished. Thanks!
Greg Gunner
7362 Riga Hwy.
Riga, Michigan 49276
Good Morning Kevin ! A hearty welcome to you from the UK/European within FOTMD. Glad to have you with us !
(I do believe that I may have the pleasure of having a close look at one of you Pritchard replicas soon
Hey, Kevin. See ya in the chat room.
Welcome, Kevin, to this little corner of dulcimer. Glad to have another West Virginian, tho' I'm only one by adoption. I'd love to see one of your instruments. Are you going to Pattyfest? Hope you enjoy it here!
Hi Kevin, and welcome to the world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn and exchange ideas about the dulcimer and to meet some good people. Don't worry about not being too good--we all have to start somewhere and with practice, it will improve.