How to remove Grover 870 BR tuners with the wood buttons

Estes George
Estes George
9 years ago
92 posts

Did that, all the inner workings came out as you said, the part I'm having an issue with is the housing that it slips through, can't seem to get that loose. Don't know what to call that part exactly, don't know if it's supposed to screw together or if it just is pushed together. That's where  I don't want to do any damage.

Kevin Messenger
Kevin Messenger
9 years ago
85 posts

Take the screw all the way out ,the peg will then come apart in pieces. The bushing will need pushed out from the opposite side.

updated by @kevin-messenger: 06/30/16 09:02:58PM
Estes George
Estes George
9 years ago
92 posts

I picked up a nice older,dulcimer recently, JI, equidistant, at some point someone modified it by putting these Grover tuners on it instead of leaving the original wood friction pegs, I am wanting to put the friction pegs back on My question, I know there is a bushing that holds them together. I am trying to not damage them when I remove them, is there a suggested way of pulling them? I already have the rest of the tuners disassembled, but want to send these Grovers to someone if I can remove them without damage. Thanks all!!   George