I agree with John -- make a new nut & bridge and space the string as you choose. Keep the old nut & bridge and put them back if you decide to sell.
To modify or not to modify
Ken Hulme
7 years ago
2,157 posts
John C. Knopf
7 years ago
421 posts
You could make a new nut and bridge, carefully knock the other ones out, and cut the new notches any way you want. This is assuming that you're handy with tools, measurements, etc.
Estes George
7 years ago
92 posts
So, I very recently found this 1973, Bob Mize, 4 string equidistant, Just intonation, nice friction pegs. Looks like possibly "Wormy Chestnut" top. Great sound to it, a real beauty. I am considering modifying it only as much as so it will be strung in the more common, 2 drone strings close together, and move the 3rd so it is fingered like a "modern dulcimer, but also could still be strung the traditional way.
What do you think, I have some hesitation because of the "historic originality" factor. Believe it or not I found this on Etsy of all places. Never hurts to browse around!!
updated by @george-desjardins: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM