Such an awful day. . . May we always strive to bring peace on Earth with goodwill to all.
Remembering 9/11
Thank you for your eloquent words, Salt Springs. I went to school with two people who were killed in the Towers that dreadful day.
Today we remember so many who lost their lives some 18 years ago. I remember the phone call that came from my son who was working at the American Stock Exchange that morning. He told me how he and a few others managed to get through the dust and general chaos that ensued. He also related some of the details of what he saw, sights that young men and women should not have to see nor remember.
I remember speaking with a young woman who lost her brother in one of the towers. Both he and his wife worked for the same company and she was home that day taking care of a newborn baby. She told me how he had called his wife while trapped and then silence.
I spoke with the wife of a rescuer who told me how her husband suffered after being exposed to who knows what.....I hope he is well.
And this evening I read how school children whose schools were in the area may yet fall victim to various life threatening illnesses.
So perhaps we should all think about this for a moment if we have not done so. It is easy to forget things as we run about generally doing things that matter very little. Or, focus on insignificant things going on in our lives that will have little or no significance in the days ahead.
Somehow I have to force myself to remember to keep things in proper perspective. It is not always easy to do that, but when I think of all the sorrow that event caused, and others such as mass shootings, school shootings, incidents of domestic violence, child abuse and all the other things that we tend to ignore to keep our sanity intact I can honestly say that I have much to be thankful for and hope to heaven that that perspective never gives way to the petty things that characterize so much of our days.
So we remember that day and the lives that were lost.........
updated by @salt-springs: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM