Salt Springs


Location: Salt Springs, Florida
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Beth T DavisJames Learning Always MandaPanda jost Hunterdude AngelinaCat Ferrator DulcimerBill Madeline MacNeil ptsgp Noah Cline tssfulk Elvensong dora71 Ariane Banjostray Laurel K Scott Kevin R. DianeL mikemullen1 Dan Charles Thomas Cat Brown Noah Aikens Lexie R Oakley Mark Nelson John W. McKinstry Bob Karel Votanek Steven Berger James Phillips Stanley Adams Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Peter W. Kevin Messenger robert schuler Rob N Lackey Jon W Harris Marvin Rankin John C. Knopf Bob Stephens Kendra Ward Linda Jo brockinton nick o'sullivan John Henry Phil Myers John Shaw Ken Hulme


Playlists: 1
images: 13
audio tracks: 9


Latest Activity

Salt Springs
@salt-springs • 3 weeks ago • comments: 11
Posted a new Comment on Jessica Comeau- I Will Never Forget (Elf King's Lament):
"Thank you!  I too have read Tolkien and Lewis as well.  Good answer and you've answered my question."
Salt Springs
@salt-springs • 3 weeks ago • comments: 11
Posted a new Comment on Jessica Comeau- I Will Never Forget (Elf King's Lament):
"I've been listening to your artistry for years and I also know that your a literary scholar  and teach English Literature at the college level.   So, aside..."
Salt Springs
@salt-springs • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "The Drifting Thread...":
"Did you remember.."Going in Circles" and "Grazin' in the Grass" by the Friends of Distinction?"

Latest Group Discussions

Salt Springs

Music for wholeness and Healing

I think there is aspect to music that is sometimes overlooked and that...
@Salt Springs 9 years ago - Comments: 6
Salt Springs

Hymn Books Needed

I need to find 20-25 Baptist Hymnals 1975 edition for a small church in...
@Salt Springs 9 years ago - Comments: 0

Latest Audio

Sound check medley for Epler Dulcimer
Tune: Hamburg

Tune: Hamburg

@Salt Springs
7 years ago - Comments: 6


@Salt Springs
8 years ago - Comments: 2
Civil War Genre:  Battle Hymn of the Republic
Celtic Meditation

Celtic Meditation

@Salt Springs
9 years ago - Comments: 2
Wayfaring Stranger

Wayfaring Stranger

@Salt Springs
9 years ago - Comments: 10
Battle Hymn of the Republic

Battle Hymn of the Republic

@Salt Springs
9 years ago - Comments: 3
Desert Dreams

Desert Dreams

@Salt Springs
9 years ago - Comments: 9
Rock of Ages (Toplady)

Rock of Ages (Toplady)

@Salt Springs
9 years ago - Comments: 8

Latest Videos


Latest Photos

Bear and Diablo.jpg

Latest Forum Discussions


David Schnaufer

Posted: Monday October 10 2022, 5:26 PM
By: @Robin Thompson

Kentucky Flood and Dulcimer History

Posted: Wednesday August 3 2022, 4:59 PM
By: @Robin Thompson

Hurricane Sally

Posted: Thursday September 17 2020, 11:46 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

David Olney, age 71

Posted: Wednesday February 26 2020, 8:37 PM
By: @Frank Dudgeon

Remembering 9/11

Posted: Thursday September 12 2019, 11:48 AM
By: @Robin Thompson

Replacing the Nut on a Homer Ledford

Posted: Thursday August 16 2018, 9:53 PM
By: @Salt Springs

Music for Healing and Wholenes---Let's...

Posted: Tuesday April 12 2016, 10:31 AM
By: @Strumelia


11/15/24 03:54:33PM @strumelia:

Saltsprings, thank you so much for generously being a Patron member of FOTMD.  clapper

12/31/23 08:28:15PM @strumelia:

@salt-springs , thank you SO much for your continued generous support of FOTMD.  grphug 🥰

02/07/22 07:23:55PM @strumelia:

Thank you for your thoughtful support of FOTMD. yes

12/12/21 10:04:22PM @davisjames:

Thank you for the some point it would be great to expand into the roots of the mountain dulcimer[deeper roots,laugh?...the roots are already pretty deep]...

Karel Votanek
08/12/19 12:35:01PM @karel-votanek:

Hi Salt,

thank you very much for your nice comment


Cindy Stammich
05/17/17 10:19:45PM @cindy-stammich:

Hi Salt,

Thank you so much for your input regarding the copyright question on "The Old Country Church"!

You were right on, and I have contacted them to see what I need to do!

I really appreciate it as this is one of my Mom's favorite songs, as well as some good friends.

They don't know what I am working on smiler

Thanks again!

Christine Shoemaker
03/30/17 09:02:34AM @christine-shoemaker:

Hello Salt Springs!  I hope you are well.  Thank you so much for your comment on my YouTube channel.  That was very kind of you and much appreciated!  HUG  

John W. McKinstry
10/03/16 10:05:39PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Hi Salt Springs, Thanks for your help in finding a hymn tune in the Public Domain. See new hymn tune

to "Be Patient and Be Gentle"..which is now set to "O Perfect Love".  Thanks John McKinstry and Anne

Karel Votanek
06/14/16 02:18:05PM @karel-votanek:

Hi Salt Springs,

thank you very much for your nice comment.

Karel   music

Salt Springs
04/15/16 02:03:40PM @salt-springs:

These are from top to bottom......

Meditation Bambo, by Erik the Flute Maker

Anasazi, by Michael Graham Allen, Coyote Oldman

Woodpecker, by Vance Pennington

F# Beaded, MGA, Coyote Oldman

F by MGA, Coyote Oldman

C Water Spirit by Ken Light


Charles Thomas
02/14/16 11:12:32PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks Salt Springs! I recorded that with a Blue "Snowball" USB mic and ran it through Garageband on my Mac. I put a little reverb and a touch of echo.

Rob N Lackey
06/30/15 05:35:26PM @rob-n-lackey:

Welcome, Salt Springs, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven.  Hope you enjoy it here.
