Now this is Cool- museum if Appalachia

13 years ago
129 posts

Ya got a deal.Smile.gif

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

If I ever get in that neck of the woods, I'd like to stop-in there, too, Phil. Whichever one of us gets there first can send word back to the other.Smile.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

Would love to see them and the one your working on. Glade to have been of some help.

chuck queisser
chuck queisser
13 years ago
15 posts

Thankyou for posting this wwebsite, as I was going through the pictures of the dulcimers I came to a picture of a raised fretboard box like I am making (three pictures on the photo section). I wasn't sure how the raised fretboard was going to work and in the process of changing it. I will post the pictures I saw on the website.

13 years ago
129 posts

Was suffering around the internet, looking for some information on Mountain Banjos and Dulcimers. when I came across The Museum of Appalachia, then this link of theirs of a lot of old Instruments they have in there collection. it really worth taking the tme to look at. as for me if I can ever get close to Clinton, TN I am stopping in.

updated by @phil: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM