Tab for Slan Le Maigh?

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
5 years ago
139 posts

Oh Marsha! Thank you so much! That was great! When I look at the sheet music, there is indeed a lot of repeats. Keep going girlfriend! Can't wait to hear it all!!

Marsha Elliott
Marsha Elliott
5 years ago
12 posts

I love this tune too and when I saw your post about anyone trying this song, I put it on my “to do” list. Today I worked out the 1st 8 measures, which then repeat to play a verse. The chorus which has 18 measures is a lot harder and I need more time to work that out. 

I have attached a rough recording of those 1st 8 measures. Let me know if you think they fit. I played very slow and did not add and extra picks so you could hopefully hear the chord for each note. Tuned to DAD,  I used a score in the key of A and transposed it to key of D. This tune is played in 4-4 and also in 3-4 time.... my version is 4-4.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 years ago
2,157 posts

Nice.  Reminds me a bit of Carrickfergus.  Sorry I can't help with the tab tho.

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
5 years ago
139 posts

I love this song so very much and have spent quite some time trying to find my way around TablEdit, but alas, it's just not happening. The sheet music is readily available. Has anyone tried their hand at this song? It's quite lovely.