Conversation with Doug Berch

5 years ago
508 posts

Doug is a great guy and a wonderful friend. One of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He builds some of the most beautiful dulcimers. His wife is a beautiful soul too.

Nice article/interview, thanks for sharing.

updated by @susie: 08/22/19 10:54:41AM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Redmando, I greatly enjoyed your "chinwag" with Doug Berch!  I'm a fan of Doug's music and am happy to be able to call him a friend.  

Don Grundy
Don Grundy
5 years ago
188 posts
Thanks! Great interview; it’s fun to learn about dulcimer builders and players. Keep up the good work.
5 years ago
25 posts

Here's a recent chinwag I had with Doug Berch about all things dulcimer, including playing "Lola" by the Kinks.....