Heard of "The Left Hand Dulcimer Band"?

Steve Mellott
Steve Mellott
5 years ago
1 posts

See pages 31-33 of the book in this link.  It may help you find one of the band members. https://issuu.com/dulcimerplayersnewsinc/docs/14-1 

Gregg Schneeman
Gregg Schneeman
5 years ago
25 posts

They were a couple of Dulcimer playing friends living I believe I remember said they lived in Troy, Alabama. They put out their self named cassette during that period where LPs were on their way out and CDs hadn't quite arrived. I met them, bought their cassette, loved their Dulcimer playing and songs, but lost it. One cut from their cassette has surfaced on YouTube...See "Left Hand Dulcimer Band"...but neither he nor I know their names or what became of them. If anyone on FOTMD has a copy of this cassette please let me know their names, contact information, etc. Thank You!