And now it is ready

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,457 posts

The McSpadden looks great!  Enjoy it! 

4 years ago
188 posts

And here is the McSpadden fixed and ready to go. Brand new condition. Tuners hold now excellently. Scroll top, Entirely walnut and pre 1980 horseshoe brand. Now to add a piezo and some end strap buttons. Still out for debate is whether the nut and bridge are linen marcite, or bone or possibly ivory. Unlikely Ivory, but the yellowing is not consistent which may indicate bone. I am betting on linen marcite, definitely not canvas marcite. Will find out more from Mcspadden hopefully. The handles on the tuner are wood. Picked it up cheap, got lucky.

[edit, added by Admin] Nathina added:
Spoke with Jim Woods, the McSapadden was made near the end of Spring/Summer/Fall of 1982. Full Walnut top sides and back. Micarta nut and bridge, apparently linen micarta as I can see the layers. Added the strap buttons just missing an insert by mm (as planned), and everything is a go.

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