Help finding Keith Young dulcimer building booklet

Dave D
Dave D
3 years ago
16 posts

Wendell, there's a listing on Facebook market place that shows a pamphlet by Keith. Not at all sure it's 'the one', but I've not seen anything else. 

updated by @dave-d: 03/26/21 10:52:27PM
Wendell G
Wendell G
3 years ago
9 posts

Thanks, John. On the back of the DVD box, mine says it includes the booklet and I see a clip inside the case that would have held it. Otherwise, I’d have had no idea that one existed.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
3 years ago
410 posts

Wendell, I have the same set of 2 DVDs that you have, but I don't recall ever getting a booklet with them.

Wendell G
Wendell G
3 years ago
9 posts

Hi everyone, I need your help. I was fortunate enough to recently acquire a two DVD set of How to Build a Dulcimer by Keith Young. The booklet that originally came with the DVD set is missing. Does anyone know where I could possibly get one or a copy of one?  I may never build a dulcimer but since I own a Keith Young dulcimer, the DVD is almost like getting to meet Mr. Young. I realize these aren’t common and would appreciate any help anyone can give me, thanks.