4 years ago
18 posts

The label is inside the lower left f-hole. I think the piezo pickup is on the outside, Ken. I'm not quite that clueless.  ;-)

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 years ago
2,157 posts

Trouble is this dulcimer is "too common" -- hourglass, scroll head with up-right tuners, f-holes, string pins on the tail block are all VERY common attributes.  Label?  That white bit isn't a label -- it's a stick-on piezo pickup for plugging into an amp. 

Since it includes a bunch of songbooks, the pickup,  and a case, if the price is in your range, just buy it.  If it doesn't sound as nice as you want, you can always re-sell it on Craigslist and get your money back.  

updated by @ken-hulme: 07/25/21 04:14:58PM
4 years ago
18 posts

Unfortunately, that's all I have. I was hoping to identify a brand. Obviously, it could be a custom one-off, but I thought someone might recognize it by brand if a more or less common model. I note the tuners, the scroll head, the satin finish, the f-holes, and the fact that the pins are on the bottom rather than on the front as most Folkcraft dulcimers seem to be. It belonged to an older lady (son selling) who cannot play anymore and comes with a fairly large number of songbooks, so I am thinking it got some serious use and is not just some junk instrument. As you might expect, I am very curious to see what it might be. Just because it looks rather plain does not mean it is not a fine instrument. By the same token, I have played some recently built instruments from people you would recognize that were beautiful, but somehow not quite right in how they played and sounded.

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
4 years ago
423 posts

There's not a lot to go on here, Bridge.  Doesn't instantly remind me of any particular maker.  Dulcimer-building is all about putting one's own unique style and design to a piece.  If you get any further photos they might help!  Sorry.

4 years ago
18 posts

Can anyone ID this dulcimer from just this photo? It has popped up for sale on Craigslist by someone who doesn't know much about dulcimers and is not very responsive to questions (out of town, can't check label, etc), but it's available for sale. I am guessing from what I have been told that this instrument is perhaps 20 years old. I was surprised to find that there are not many photos on the net of dulcimers with f-holes. Appears to be made of walnut.

Any guesses? Just a tiny bit of label visible there.

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