good idea Bobby thanks
Chromatic dulcimer
Dana R. McCall
12 years ago
168 posts
Dana R. McCall
12 years ago
168 posts
No it's not an old dulcimer it is really my most expensive one and is a proffesional model Papaw's dulcimer with a pickup in it. The frets in it are all good. Iwas thinking of sending it back to him to have the work done.
Dana R. McCall
12 years ago
168 posts
OK I think I ready to try a fully chromatic dulcimer. But I have so many I really don't want to purchase another one. I have a few that already have a 1 1/2, 6 1/2, 8 1/2 and a 13 1/2 How hard would it be to have the rest of the frets added to make one chromatic and how many more frets would it need?
updated by @dana-r-mccall: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM