Start new thread or revive an old one?

4 years ago
46 posts

Okay, thanks, Dusty!  I'll have a quick look at the previous pick discussions, and see which would be a good fit. 

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,774 posts

Hi Ocean Daughter.  Many people--especially those new to the site--would just start a new thread, not bothering to look to see what people have already discussed, so I applaud you for even noticing that there are many older discussions that are still relevant to our concerns today.

My suggestion would be to tag onto an older thread if that discussion is really close to your own. We don't need a dozen discussions all about how to avoid pick clack, for example; one will do.  And one advantage to adding to an older discussion is that everyone who took part in that original discussion will be notified about your comment, so you are likely to get responses pretty fast.  And don't worry about how long ago a thread was active. You can rejuvenate it!

But if your topic is is just loosely on the same general subject as an older thread, then you might start a new one.  Too many discussions start on one topic, a topic clearly identified in the subject line, but then people tag on semi-related comments, and the discussion meanders too far from the original idea.

Either way, once you post your comment will show up on the main Activity Feed so people who log on will see it.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 03/02/21 02:26:11PM
4 years ago
46 posts

I have been doing a rather extensive project of trying out picks on my dulcimers to see what sounds I liked, and wanted to chat with forum members about their pick preferences.  I know there are some older discussions about this.  Do you prefer that I tag onto one of the older ones, or should I start a new one? 

I personally feel that if it's been a couple of years since a thread was updated, I'd just as soon start a new one rather than add onto an old discussion.  But I know that different forums have different feelings about this.