Cello Suite 1 - Gigue - Bach

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:44
Duration: 00:01:44
Here's the final section of Bach's cello suite 1!!! I apologize it wasn't done last weekend, I attempted to record it then and realized I could not play it will. I spent the past week practicing it more, and except for 1 unfortunate mistake, I think this turned out well.
My plan now is to, in the next few weeks or so, record the entire song in one go on my blue lion dulcimer. I will obviously need to practice more, and I am working on a nicer mic system so the sound quality is as good as possible.
This is a dulcimer I made out of cardboard and styrofoam; it is tuned to DAD with a VSL of 58cm, or 22.8in.
Check out my website and patreon page:
My plan now is to, in the next few weeks or so, record the entire song in one go on my blue lion dulcimer. I will obviously need to practice more, and I am working on a nicer mic system so the sound quality is as good as possible.
This is a dulcimer I made out of cardboard and styrofoam; it is tuned to DAD with a VSL of 58cm, or 22.8in.
Check out my website and patreon page:
Love this! Well done.
Bravo! Grant, this is as lovely as the other sections of JSB's cello suite 1 which you've already played! You are adventurous for even attempting the series and that you play them all so very well is amazing and delightful.
Dusty made an important point. It's hard enough to play like this technically. But Grant, you manage to do it while also playing with feeling. I especially love the occasional 'lifting' pauses.
Just lovely!
You play with both technical precision and feeling, Grant. Nicely done.