Mountain Dulcimer Duet - Rock the Cradle Joe

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Duration: 00:02:46
Duration: 00:02:46
Sue Beates and Michael Vickey play "Rock the Cradle Joe" at the Lake Erie shore in North East, Pennsylvania. Both Appalachian dulcimers were built by renowned luthier Dennis Dorogi of western NY.
You know ... it's songs like this and Mary Z. Cox's Mississippi Sawyer that really bring out the 'feel good' qualities of the Mountain Dulcimer for me.
Thank you Sue and Michael for a toe tapping start to my day.
Thanks for the nice comment, Lois.Best wishes for another successful Dulcimerville!Michael Vickey
Thank you Ken, Guy, Flint, and Carl. I've relayed your messages to Susie.We love playing outdoors next to the lake.Michael Vickey
Thanks, Robin T.Thanks also for ordering my band's CD. I hope you'll enjoy listening!Michael Vickey
Really nicely done, Michael. Fast as heck and sounds really relaxed. Tough combination.
Lovely! Beautiful dulcimers and great sounds.
That was just perfect! Thank you!
I enjoyed it, Michael! Yours and Sue's play complemented one another nicely.PS-One of your cd's is on its way to me from cdbaby.