Carla Maxwell


Location: Clarksdale, Mississippi, and Daylesford, Victoria
Country: USA and Australia

My Latest Followers:

JulieAnn Pete Babechuk Elvensong sweetbriar DianeL Anne Bowman Cynthia Wigington Mr. Phil Mcdaniel Jessica Comeau Patricia Delich Sam Edelston Cristian Huet Larry Conger Erin Mae Dusty Turtle Linda Jo brockinton Bucko Futreal Doug Berch Ken Hulme Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 12
images: 168
events: 1
audio tracks: 47

I like music, but I love peace of mind. Without music, I cannot find peace of mind.

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Carla Maxwell
@carla-maxwell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on New Photos:
"@robin-thompson Thanks! We had fun."
Carla Maxwell
Carla Maxwell
@carla-maxwell • one month ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on Playing at an outdoor wedding in the wind.:
"I love this photo, Anne!"
Carla Maxwell
@carla-maxwell • one month ago • comments: 2
Liked a photos item created by @anne-bowman: dulcimer wedding 2
Carla Maxwell
@carla-maxwell • 5 years ago • comments: 0
Lucy Wise will be one of the instructors at the Australian Dulcimer Retreat at Tasma House and Gardens, August 28-30, 2020. She's a lovely person and a VERY talented musician.

Latest Group Discussions

Carla Maxwell

Juke Joint Festival, April 18, 2020, Clarksdale, Mississippi

I'm getting excited about the Juke Joint Festival in April! The Holy...
@Carla Maxwell 5 years ago - Comments: 0
Carla Maxwell

Dulcimers in Tasmania?

I'm wondering if there are any dulcimer players in Tasmania. I'll haveĀ a...
@Carla Maxwell 9 years ago - Comments: 3

Latest Audio

Liza Jane

Liza Jane

@Carla Maxwell
7 years ago - Comments: 5
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms

Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms

@Carla Maxwell
9 years ago - Comments: 3
Been Told By The Messenger

Been Told By The Messenger

@Carla Maxwell
9 years ago - Comments: 0
Good Morning Blues

Good Morning Blues

@Carla Maxwell
9 years ago - Comments: 3
Cluck Old Hen

Cluck Old Hen

@Carla Maxwell
11 years ago - Comments: 0
Shortnin' Bread

Shortnin' Bread

@Carla Maxwell
11 years ago - Comments: 0
Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

@Carla Maxwell
12 years ago - Comments: 0
That Thing, by Adrian Kosky

That Thing, by Adrian Kosky

@Carla Maxwell
12 years ago - Comments: 0
Wildwood Flower

Wildwood Flower

@Carla Maxwell
13 years ago - Comments: 2
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
Pick A Bale of Cotton

Pick A Bale of Cotton

@Carla Maxwell
13 years ago - Comments: 0
You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

@Carla Maxwell
13 years ago - Comments: 0
This Old Man

This Old Man

@Carla Maxwell
13 years ago - Comments: 0
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

@Carla Maxwell
13 years ago - Comments: 0

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The First Australian Dulcimer Retreat

Posted: Friday February 7 2020, 7:47 AM
By: @Carla Maxwell


Janet Furman
01/08/13 12:55:48PM @janet-furman:

Dear Carla~ I can't believe I haven't even been on this site since joining in April '12. Forgive me and thank you for being my friend. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. ~janet

04/30/12 08:05:23AM @susie:

I added 3 pics to my page so you could get a better look at Cody's current color. As you know with poodles, it takes about 3 years to fade to their color when they have the fading gene. Our pups are 4.

04/30/12 07:49:54AM @susie:

Carla, I knew it! Your pup is so cute. I didn't ever see a s-b poodle until we got ours. Our boy is really light like yours. Our girl is also a s-b, but she is closer to a brown....we got both ends of the spectrum. We get many comments on our boy. Don't you just love them!

04/29/12 12:58:42PM @susie:

Carla, Couldn't help but notice your dog in your avatar. Is he/she a poodle? The color looks really close to ours. Our boy is a silver-beige poodle.

Patricia Delich
03/03/12 12:40:06AM @patricia-delich:

Thanks Carla! Grin.gif

Heidi Muller
01/17/12 07:07:53PM @heidi-muller:

Thanks for your friend request, Carla, and for your kind comment about my music!

Robin Clark
09/11/11 03:14:53AM @robin-clark:
Thanks for listening to the new tunes I uploaded Carla. Nick and I recorded them in his cottage on Thursday evening just using a simple hand recorder. This was our first session together and we are working towards recording a traditional playing styles CD some time this winter
Jeff Furman
07/05/11 12:27:05PM @jeff-furman:

hmmm...2002. i might have had more hair then! good to hear from you. still nit sure how FOTMD will fit into my days or life but willing to give it a try!

Carla Maxwell
07/05/11 02:50:47AM @carla-maxwell:
ooooops! Didn't mean to repost Adrian's songs. Just wanted to edit my music list. Oh well, they are good songs, and I hope folks enjoy them again!Grin.gif
05/18/11 11:19:09AM @strumelia:
Hi Carla, nice to see you stopping by!
Dan Evans
08/23/10 09:24:42AM @dan-evans:
Carla - I have relatives in Ozz abd my wife worked in Sydney for a few years so we have frinds there too - one daty will will visit both but not this year ...
Dan Evans
08/23/10 03:34:22AM @dan-evans:
hi Carla - 'didn't know there were many players 'down under ?
John Henry
07/27/10 07:51:51AM @john-henry:
Hi Carla, don't know what time it is there, so gd'day? I posted "Fly Around............." and then found your last posting, the versions are different, but perhaps mine is a bit too soon after your's?JohnH
John Henry
07/27/10 05:56:27AM @john-henry:
Sorry Carla !!! Just found your latest posting, but fortunately I kept it short! 9.gif JohnH
07/22/10 09:41:24AM @strumelia:
Yeah that bowed saw reminds me a little of when I practice playing my mouth bow. Sort of like road kill when I'm riding my bicycle- I can't look away! It has a 'strange and compelling appeal'.On the other hand, if I produced that sound when i was playing my bowed psaltery, I might have to kill myself! lol!
07/21/10 03:40:30PM @strumelia:
Hard Times accompanied by bowed saw....ok now I can truly say 'I've heard it all'! lol!Very fun stuff.
Carla Maxwell
07/14/10 01:00:32AM @carla-maxwell:
Looking forward to playing music at the Radio Springs Hotel tonight. Haven't done that for a while. Hope I have some new music to share. Smile.gif
Robin Thompson
06/24/10 08:55:49PM @robin-thompson:
Carla,Cool photo of the little house on the truck-- and the critter belongs, too.And congratulations on getting your article published with "The Wanderer"!
05/21/10 08:59:34PM @strumelia:
Indeed, I like your playing and singing style Carla- it's so honest and real...straight to the heart and delightful. I love music that way.
05/21/10 01:52:45PM @strumelia:
Shortnin' Bread....I love stuff played like that! And tambourine...the perfect touch on that song.