A tune for my best friend and traveling companion, Hudson. On January 29, 2012, Hudson passed away while we were camping at our favorite place, Edisto Island...
Karen: Yes, it is my original. A couple weeks ago I started this tune when we were at Edisto Island. I was playing dulcimer on our picnic table and Hudson made himself a nest in the sand under the table so he could be close to the music.
I came up with the second part for the tune this past week. I played it for the first time with accompaniment at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture State Park's Saturday Coffeehouse this past weekend.
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Hudson. Along with so many others, I found his song joyful and uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing this!
What a great tune and tribute!!
Sounds like happy dog music to me. Sorry for your loss.
Thank you all for the kind and comforting replies.
Sue Byham, yes A Tune for Hudson will definitely be on my next CD.
Special thanks to my friend Ellen Sheppard for the fine guitar accompaniment.
Thank you for the comments.
Karen: Yes, it is my original. A couple weeks ago I started this tune when we were at Edisto Island. I was playing dulcimer on our picnic table and Hudson made himself a nest in the sand under the table so he could be close to the music.
I loved this song, and I'm sure Hudson would have liked it too. Is it an original? I like it a lot.
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Hudson. Along with so many others, I found his song joyful and uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Nicely done! Sorry for your loss.
Hi Michael,
That was lovely
I'm sure than Hudson would have loved it!
It is a grey, cold morning here in Wales and it was a delight to see you playing outside in a t-shirt!