Mike Thomas


Location: Flushing, MI
Country: US

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Joy W.


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Joy W.
07/03/15 11:25:06AM @joy-w:

Hi Mike, thanks for asking about Evart. I don't anticipate that I'll be able to make any part of the festival this year, but if you're coming to Midland in August, I'll look for you there. Have fun at ODPC!

Joy W.
08/12/13 10:46:17PM @joy-w:

Hi Mike,

It was great to run into you at Evart. I'll definitely be hanging out at the Midland festival this year, especially since I've met a couple other MD players locally. As a matter of fact, we were looking at possibly setting up a couple of impromptu MD jam times when there isn't much going on.Also, on Saturday, I've agreed to participate in the "petting zoo" for kids to learn about andtry out a mountain dulcimer. Then Saturday evening during the stage show, I'll be playing with a group called, Sweet Friends of Music." They are threevocalists with guitars, but have asked me to sit in with them on a couple of recent gigs. I look forward to catching up again with you and Kathy ... either jammin' or jawin' as we did last year! :)

Karen Keane
03/04/12 11:06:41AM @karen-keane:

Hey Mike and welcome to the site. This is a great place to share ideas and listen to music. I hope you enjoy!

Jim Fawcett
03/03/12 10:32:29AM @jim-fawcett:

Hey Mike, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Ben Barr Jr
03/03/12 08:04:45AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi Mike, and welcome to the world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to spend some time, exchange ideas about the dulcimer and to meet some nice people.

BenSmile.gif Smile.gif

John Keane
03/03/12 06:20:23AM @john-keane:

Howdy and welcome to the FOTMD crew!

Rob N Lackey
03/03/12 05:32:53AM @rob-n-lackey:

Welcome, Mike, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.


03/02/12 11:59:40PM @phil:

Hi Mike Welcome to the FOTMDGrin.gif