Peter Corser


Location: Stobo, Peebles
Country: GB

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Peter Corser
@peter-corser • yesterday • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on Valse Clog de Peribonka.:
"Terrific. Thank you."

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02/10/15 09:19:43AM @volha:

Hi Peter!

Thank you very much for your advice. Now I've decided to buy Mr. Hensley dulcimer(from USA), but I'll take in mind this seller from UK. On his site he write that shipping costs are 'for main UK', but I think that it's possible to talk about shipping to Belarus too.

01/10/13 11:55:35AM @brian2:

there was nowt tardy about your response Pete, c'est la vie n aw that !

i'm up n down to edinburgh quite a bit ... so i'll message you in advance and see if we can meet up ....

i know only 1 other person who plays a dulcimer... he lives in edinburgh, spends a fortune on them ( think he has 15) but he doesnt play enough

talk with you soon


11/29/12 08:16:48PM @brian2:

hi pete, we're practically neighbours give n take a few miles ....we should meet sometime. I visit auld reekie quite a bit so hopefully sometime that i'm there ... talk to you soon i hope

Blue Hand
12/06/10 10:23:57AM @blue-hand:
Hi Peter,Of course i dont mind your curiosity. As for now i haven't specialized myself in a specific area. But my favorite period is the Migration period/early Middle Ages. Nice to hear that you are an archaeologist as well. In about half a year i will be done with my study and will start working. I'm really looking forward to it!Thank you for the comment!Patrick
Geoff Black
11/09/10 03:48:50PM @geoff-black:
PeterWelcome to the UK FOMD Group.You're a long way north, but there's an event in March 2011 for all abilities of MD players in Northumberland if you're interested.Look forward to meeting you.Geoff Black
Rod Westerfield
08/24/09 05:40:40PM @rod-westerfield:
Welcome.. glad ya found the family...a have returned to the dulcimer playing..