Played some form of music (piano, guitar, bass) since childhood but new to dulcimer. I bought a simple teardrop-style dulcimer by Warren May 32 years ago but returned to his shop in Berea in late 2019 and treated myself to one of his Special edition models. My interest is renewed, but my focus is not on traditional dulcimer music but rather adapting more popular/rock tunes to the dulcimer. I have much to learn first about scales, chord theory, and technique, but I'm on my way.

Hi Skip, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Hey, welcome! I hope you'll like it here.
Welcome SkipII to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a wonderful place to learn and to enjoy the mountain dulcimer. I am looking forward to your participation in the discussions. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.
Welcome, Skipii, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. I suggest Jerry Rockwell's book, Music Theory and Chord Reference for the Mountain Dulcimer. Hope you enjoy it here.
Hey Skip, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.
Welcome to FOTMD Skipll. It is good to have you aboard.
"The dulcimer sings a a sweet song."