steve c.


Location: Ohio
Country: USA

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youtube videos: 3

A Tune I just can't get out of my head...

musician/member name: Carnx
Duration: 00:01:15
A little I have a tune stuck in my head..I couldn’t remember the name of it, then a friend suggested it sounded a bit like Buffalo Gals.
12/08/23 06:06:51PM @steve-c:


It does sound like "Buffalo Gals", but it also reminds me of the first part of  "Under the Double Eagle",  originally a German marching band tune that many of our great flat-pickers have versions of on Youtube. either way, your version is unique. Maybe you ccan call it "Buffalo Eagle"winky


I think you might be right, I married a Buffalo to an Eagle..and came up with a Beaglelo…Beaglelo girls won’t you come out tonight ….all under the double eagle.

12/08/23 05:01:17PM @olddog75:

It does sound like "Buffalo Gals", but it also reminds me of the first part of  "Under the Double Eagle",  originally a German marching band tune that many of our great flat-pickers have versions of on Youtube. either way, your version is unique. Maybe you ccan call it "Buffalo Eagle"winky

12/07/23 10:29:01PM @steve-c:

John C. Knopf:

Lovely!  And I agree it sounds like a variation of "Buffalo Gals".  

A "Fantasia on Buffalo Gals", if you will.


Thanks John! I like that a lot! You have given me an idea for adding a couple more movements.

John C. Knopf
12/07/23 09:40:51PM @john-c-knopf:

Lovely!  And I agree it sounds like a variation of "Buffalo Gals".  

A "Fantasia on Buffalo Gals", if you will.

12/07/23 08:37:16PM @steve-c:


I think you just made up an original tune.Delightful.


Thanks!  Or at least a new arrangement.

12/07/23 08:36:03PM @steve-c:

Ken Longfield:

There are a few notes that are different, but it does sound like Buffalo Gals.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."


My wife said the same thing,,,lol.  I don’t think I’ve heard or thought of that tune since I was a child.  Weird how our brain works.  I wrote a song ten years ago and found in one of my notebooks I had written the words as a poem 15 years before that…hmm, I guess some things just stick in our heads.  

Ken Longfield
12/07/23 08:11:37PM @ken-longfield:

There are a few notes that are different, but it does sound like Buffalo Gals.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

12/07/23 06:20:51PM @davisjames:

I think you just made up an original tune.Delightful.