Luthier's Handbook--tap tuning for dulcimers?

06/02/19 01:01:41PM

Hi all,

I "built" a cardboard dulcimer late last year from a kit, then was so smitten with it, I built a solid walnut kit earlier this year.  Wanted to understand better why/how they work, and just finished reading Luthier's Handbook by Roger Siminoff.  It applies to all stringed instruments, not specific to dulcimer.  It was...FASCINATING!  But it got into a lot of detail about tap tuning, tuning the soundboard/backboard/air chamber, how to shave supports/braces and size soundholes to optimize tuning, etc.  Now, the kit I built was meant to be doable by mere humans, and made zero mention of this sort of stuff.  I was wondering if dulcimer luthiers tune bodies in this manner or if it's not applicable to dulcimers.  Thanks!
