Bucko Futreal


Location: Shreveport, LA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

mrdougg Mariainct DianeL Charles Thomas Monica Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Greg Patterson Christine Shoemaker Mike Thurman Wayne Jiang John Keane Dusty Turtle Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 112
images: 19
audio tracks: 14

On the Canals -- live at Artspace, 10/22/2015 -- electric dulcimer and electric guitar

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:04:02
Live performance (from https://michaelfutreal.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-the-root-of-it ) of piece originally on album Martian Archaeology https://michaelfutreal.bandcamp.com/album/martian-archaeology

Twang Darkly http://twangdarkly.com
Michael Futreal -- electric chromatic dulcimer
Joel Boultinghouse -- electric guitar
Lane Bayliss -- drums
John Keane
12/30/15 10:36:58AM @john-keane:

Great stuff Michael!

Mark Runge
12/28/15 07:21:47PM @mark-runge:

I really love this! Thank you for sharing.

Robin Thompson
12/25/15 07:51:38PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, Michael, Mark & I enjoy this!  Happy '16 to y'all!