Forum Activity for @sheryl-st-clare

Sheryl St. Clare
08/25/15 08:31:11AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

As I understand it, Gorilla snot is a form of rosin, so I guess a cake of rosin made for use by violinists would work too. I'm certain they will have that at my local music store. There is a pretty interesting entry for Rosin, which includes the many uses of rosin in our lives, on Wikipedia. If you’re interested.


(I am finding that as I improve my grip on the bones, there is considerably less slippage.)

Sheryl St. Clare
08/24/15 09:45:42AM
259 posts

Ron, your solution works on my tuning head too. Thanks for the idea. I play with a group a few times a week. Got to be in tune. 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/24/15 09:12:41AM
259 posts

Possum Boards Revisited

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

William, Great idea. Do you have any photos you can share of one of your boards?

Sheryl St. Clare
08/24/15 09:11:30AM
259 posts

Tenor Guitars

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Cynthia, I've been to your part of the country, and a chainsaw is a must-own item for sure. Beautiful country! 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/24/15 09:07:43AM
259 posts

What a great idea Robin! My Snark clip is always slipping off the tuning head, and it's in the way of the middle string tuning knob. It has been quite annoying. My dulcimer has flower petal sound holes, so the Snark won't sit in any of the sound holes. I popped the clip off, and left the Snark "stem" attached to stick into one of the sound holes. It doesn't lay flat, but won't fall off because the stem is in the hole. I compared the tunings of each string at the tuning head, and the sound hole, and it is the same. Thanks for a great idea that ends my tuning frustration. clapper

Sheryl St. Clare
08/20/15 02:15:52PM
259 posts

Tenor Guitars

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I loved it Cynthia, I really did. Thanks for sharing.

Sheryl St. Clare
08/20/15 10:13:26AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Good idea Lisa, that sounds like a much easier way to obtain beeswax (and apply it) than I had imagined. I remember seeing beeswas candles at the farmer market... Thanks!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/20/15 09:37:08AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Novel idea Ken! Seriously, I’ll check the honey stand at our farmer’s market. 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/20/15 08:56:19AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Just oredered a second pair of bones, went for the Minstrel style teak bones. Starting to rock the right hand, need to bring in the left. hamster

Sheryl St. Clare
08/20/15 08:36:23AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

p.s. Lisa, where is a good place to get beeswax? 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/19/15 12:02:58PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Good to know, I'll give it a try!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/19/15 11:46:08AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I got my bones in the mail yesterday; as I had hoped they are pretty mellow. Haven't had time to revisit Dom Flemons videos so I can start out right, but of course I have been "playing" with them. My ring finger bone keeps sliding down...but I have managed to do some clacking. It seems like the less I concentrate on them, the better I do. I tried them out in the car this morning, to the radio, and actually managed to hit a couple of beats on Hotel California. Fun times! 

Bob, before you ask, I am not ready to make a recording or produce a video. nono

Sheryl St. Clare
08/17/15 06:35:02PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I read walnut bones have a mellow sound. So that's the wood I picked. We'll see. 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/17/15 06:07:36PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

One pair to start. I don't want to get two pairs the same, and since I won't be able to play with both hands in the beginning, I thought I'd wait to decide what to get for my second pair. But I would really love to eventually play with both hands. 

There may be a song about a banjo playing repo man... banjo

Sheryl St. Clare
08/17/15 04:32:08PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Great video Lisa, thanks for sharing. Very interesting repo banjo. I love how Dom points out that you can play along to any music on the radio. I already do that with my empty hand, while driving. My bones should arrive tomorrow. Can't wait!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/16/15 11:33:20AM
259 posts

Tunings you like to use on your dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Marg, we all have something to learn, no matter where we are on this journey. grphug





Sheryl St. Clare
08/15/15 01:42:18PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Wout, just a little American humor, not unlike our Smileys. laughlaugh

Sheryl St. Clare
08/14/15 08:15:39AM
259 posts

Types of tuners

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Robert, you are chock-a-block full of creative homemade, money saving ideas. Made any instruments out of reclaimed wood yet? thumbsup

Sheryl St. Clare
08/14/15 08:10:04AM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Gotta love the bones playing hamster! We should name him. Izzy Bones? Bubba Bones? Hamsta Bones? Bones being his surname, of course. hamster  

Sheryl St. Clare
08/13/15 06:14:07PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Lisa, you got me going. I ordered a classic style set made of walnut; I was looking for a mellow sound. I'll keep y'all posted on my progress.


Dom Flemons is one of our own, Durham, NC based member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops. I was hoping they were going to be at this year's Wide Open Bluegrass Festival in Raleigh, but no. I'll have to settle for Alison Krauss & Union Station! violin  

Sheryl St. Clare
08/10/15 10:21:15AM
259 posts

Using a mic for recording a song?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

D, I don't worry about asking too many questions on FOTMD. If there ever was a place where you can put yourself out there, and get opinions and advice from seasoned players, this is it. question


Sheryl St. Clare
08/09/15 12:06:39PM
259 posts

Playing the Bones

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones


Oh hear the word of the Lord

Sheryl St. Clare
08/09/15 10:46:13AM
259 posts

Please Don't Pick on Me. *tee hee!*

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ken, I'm going to follow you,get get the details. Thanks!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/09/15 09:34:20AM
259 posts

Please Don't Pick on Me. *tee hee!*

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Charles, I got my Bing picks yesterday. So far, I like the Ultra Lite best. Hoping to pick up a red Herdim at a workshop I'm attending at the end of August.

Sheryl St. Clare
08/09/15 09:17:48AM
259 posts

Using a mic for recording a song?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

D, you ask such good questions. I can't wait to see some answers to this one. rolleyes

Sheryl St. Clare
08/07/15 09:58:04AM
259 posts

strap button

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Strumelia has an excellent video on her blog about how to attach a strap to the head of the dulcimer, if you don’t have a button, or don’t want to add a button.

Sheryl St. Clare
08/07/15 08:48:03AM
259 posts

Please Don't Pick on Me. *tee hee!*

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Charles, looks like you know your picks. Here's the description for the rest of you FOTMD who may be interested, and don't already know:

WEGEN BG100 PICKBLUEGRASS, WHITE, 1.00mm - Set of four. A standard shaped flatpick with dual beveled-edge tip for right handed players. Has 9 holes in a diamond pattern for grip. Bluegrass players (and anyone else who craves a thick plectrum) - this pick is a must have! The ultimate in control! 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/06/15 03:31:47PM
259 posts

Please Don't Pick on Me. *tee hee!*

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

My friend gave me this pick awhile back. I really hated it, it’s thick, and doesn’t bend at all. Now that I’ve been practicing new techniques I’ve learned from this forum, I’m really starting to like it. Does it look familiar to anyone? It’s equally as thick as a quarter.

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 05:51:17PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Heather, that is hilarious! I can so picture it because my Labradoodle likes to play the "squeaky" too!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 05:29:27PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Now that's a vieable pic, and not too shabby of a dog either! 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 05:26:17PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

BTW, while I do know a little about a lot of things, I’m not a FOTMD site moderator. I’m just a naturally helpful person. kittyscratch  But please don’t hesitate to go to the “Ask the Moderators” area and, well, ask away anytime!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 05:20:41PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Click on the "Embed Local Media" icon in your msg., right next to Mr. Smilely. You will then see the dropdowns.

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 05:19:20PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Okay, if we don't hear from you in 10 minutes, we are sending in the troops. 

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 04:46:50PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

D, when you upload a photo you can pick a different size from the dropdown. Play with it. If you don't like the size, or location of the photo. click on it in your message, and try again. thumbsup

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 04:44:56PM
259 posts

How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

OFF TOPIC discussions

So definitely not a pet, but PROOF that those rascally squirrels are stealing my tomatoes!

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 12:47:47PM
259 posts

Peacock Quills

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ken, update on the peacock quills: They flake a little when used, leaving a kind of gorilla dandruff situation on the fret board. I'm guessing that is what you were referring to when you wrote that they are not particularly strong? Oh well, I'll have to go to the next local turkey shoot and git me some quills. 

P.S. for those of you not familiar with a turkey shoot, real turkeys are not shot, just targets. At least in the NC where I live... whew

Sheryl St. Clare
08/05/15 11:52:37AM
259 posts

Please Don't Pick on Me. *tee hee!*

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Charles, I just ordered some V picks, Bing Ultra, Bing Lite, and Tremolo Round. I've been using a yellow Herdim, but it's too soft for me. Which is harder, the red or blue Herim, do you know?
