Forum Activity for @robin-thompson

Robin Thompson
12/12/10 02:42:09PM
1,463 posts

Turnup's Christmas Card

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Oh, Sam, thanks for sharing this! Yes, a laugh at poor Turnup's expense. Pet kitty for me, please. :)

Robin Thompson
07/13/11 01:45:32PM
1,463 posts

Show us your sound holes!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Your dulcimer and that smiley must be twins who were separated at birth, Strumelia!

Strumelia said:
Here are my sound holes....
Robin Thompson
12/22/10 01:44:21PM
1,463 posts

Show us your sound holes!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Lori, I love your flowers-- really cool!
Robin Thompson
12/19/10 10:25:40PM
1,463 posts

Show us your sound holes!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Sam, I must give a tip of the hat to the luthiers-- MD made by Paul Conrad of Timbre Hill Dulcimers and BD is by Ken Bloom. Paul knew my taste was for a simple sound hole design (this design can be seen in the beautiful, fancier intarsia back on the instrument) and the sound holes on the bowed dulcimer is Ken's standard sound hole.

It's pretty cool that the poplar top on the MD was once exterior siding (that had gotten covered over at some point) on Paul's house that was built in the 1840's.

Sam said:


The Mountain Dulcimer is exquisitely understated. Both instruments are just beautiful.

updated by @robin-thompson: 06/30/15 10:19:58AM
Robin Thompson
03/22/14 09:12:08PM
1,463 posts

Your favorite dulcimer case!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Great solution, Dusty! You can always stuff socks and other small articles of clothing in the case, too.
Robin Thompson
10/28/10 06:19:21PM
1,463 posts

Your favorite dulcimer case!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

TK O'Brien padded gigbag. Cost: $34.95 Although the color is different, I believe the case at the bottom of this page from Prussia Valley Dulcimers-- where I've bought the 4 cases I own-- is the same case:

The O'Brien is a good bag for toting to festivals. If you want a great, highly-padded custom gigbag, I recommend one of Lee Felt's (Thistledew Acres) cases:
I own two of Lee's cases in which I carry my bowed dulcimers-- the bowed instruments being more fragile than my mountain dulcimers.

The TK O'Brien case is a Corolla--basic and relatively inexpensive-- and the Thistledew Acres case is a Land Cruiser. Lee Felt's cases are definitely worth the money should you want greater protection in a gig bag.
Robin Thompson
10/20/10 10:36:33AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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I know, Bobby, it' hard to believe.
Robin Thompson
10/19/10 10:48:33PM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Thanks, ladies! There have been few occasions in my life where I've been applauded for being chatty.
Robin Thompson
10/17/10 06:56:00PM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Thank you, Sam, and I'm glad you're part of this great community!

Jane, I got such a kick out of your 2nd(?) post on ED. On what may have been your first posting you posed a question and I saw it, apparently, right after you wrote it and replied immediately. In turn, your quick response went something like, "Blimey, were you sat atop the computer?" LOL I responded that I was.

Friends, I'm going to risk sounding overly sentimental to say that you all have given me roses while I'm living, cheering me on. And if I could, I'd give each of you a hug.
Robin Thompson
10/17/10 11:01:41AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Congratulations to you & Jim, Dana! 34 years? I think it'll last. And I'll keep my eyes open for Mountain Lullaby. (Little Dulcimer Darlin' is wonderful!)John Henry-- 57 for you & Mrs. John Henry-- a belated congratulations! It'll be awhile before I even turn 57 so I know that's a good long time to be married.
Robin Thompson
10/16/10 08:25:26PM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Dana, when you're as big a star as I am, you hire somebody to wheel around your head in a wheelbarrel! John H, one of Dana's originals would be a treasure.Though Strumelia and I may no longer be kids, we're tough dulcimer players-- slappin' and poundin' away. Again, thank you!
Robin Thompson
10/16/10 11:28:22AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Did I really say that ? LOL What I say and what I mean can sometimes be two different things.

Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
PS-Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.

And where else but on FOTMD would one ever read a sentence like that, I ask you?
Robin Thompson
10/16/10 10:49:46AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

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Friends, your kind words are touching. You all have given me much, made my life so rich. . . There's just something about music and the friends I've met through music that's special.PS-John Henry, Bobby usually starts it !
Robin Thompson
10/16/10 12:00:08AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

OFF TOPIC discussions

How lucky I feel to be a part of FOTMD and have you folks as friends! Not so many years ago, I never would've dreamed to have friends I've never met-- individuals for whom I hold great affection. You've been an encouragement to me in more ways than I can express.

And what a surprise-- a pleasant one, to be sure-- to come home after being away this evening and find this thread! Many thanks to you all.

Strumelia, you started FOTMD and it truly is a place for friends. And my brother Bobby.

PS-Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.
Robin Thompson
10/01/10 06:05:51PM
1,463 posts

"John the Balladeer" Stories

OFF TOPIC discussions

I never heard of John the Balladeer until your posting, Flint. Thanks for the link-- I've bookmarked it!
Robin Thompson
09/18/10 01:10:59AM
1,463 posts

Paul,Good-- no, great advice!Just to piggy-back on Paul's comments about listening; be diligent about learning to tune your dulcimer and listening for when it may be out of tune. Hearing when I'm out of tune is a skill I'm always working to hone. Paul Certo said:
Whatever playing style you choose, listen to as much music as you can. Dulcimer music,yes, but not exclusively. The type of music you want to play on your dulcimer is important, whether others play it on dulcimer or not. Listening is one of the most important things you can do to learn music. It let's your ears help teach your hands. No matter how many tabs, or books you use, your ears will tell you when you hit a wrong note. After you have trained them what the song is supposed to sound like. The mistakes you make in reading, your eyes may not catch,but if you've listened to the song repeatedly, your ears will catch those mistakes. Your ears have been in training since your Ma first sang to you as an infant. Every radio you ever heard, every commercial jingle, all have asserted themselves into your mind. And when someone whistles one of these pieces, you recognize it. So help your ears by listening to what you want to play. Then let your ears help your hands.
Robin Thompson
09/16/10 11:25:40PM
1,463 posts

Jim H,Hi-- you've picked a wonderful instrument to take up!I can't say what would be easier because I've played with a noter since taking up the dulcimer; I like it and enjoy it. Thus, I would encourage any beginner to play with a noter (on the melody string only)-- stick with this for a few months, anyway, to get the hang of hearing/playing melodies-- then try other styles of play. After you've had a chance to feel your way around, so to speak, you can go with the method that brings you the greatest pleasure. (Basically, I just repeated what Paul said. )
Robin Thompson
09/01/10 05:15:41PM
1,463 posts

FOTMD 1000 members almost here...!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Strumelia! You know I was hoping one of your tasty JELL-O creations would be part of the prize package. And this is even better-- I don't even have to win to get a spoonful of, uh, the thing. On second thought, it's toooo pretty to eat. (I think this is my first posting using the peace sign smiley.)
Robin Thompson
08/28/10 04:51:06PM
1,463 posts

FOTMD 1000 members almost here...!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Visitors, if you've not yet joined FOTMD, you're missing out! Join FOTMD! When you do, you'll immediately become better-looking, have whiter teeth, become ambidextrous, and gain hundreds of friends. Well, only one of these things is true but it's the best thing on the list! :-)
Robin Thompson
08/20/10 11:00:44PM
1,463 posts

Thank you, Strumelia!!

OFF TOPIC discussions

I'm with you, Dulcerina!And the good news of mountain dulcimers has spread further thanks to FOTMD.
Robin Thompson
07/27/10 10:22:00AM
1,463 posts

Folks such as y'all here at FOTMD are what makes the dulcimer world a nice world in which to live! I feel lucky to have found the mountain dulcimer and the joy it brings.
Robin Thompson
07/16/10 10:44:39AM
1,463 posts

***THREE CHEERS for Bill Lewis!***

OFF TOPIC discussions

I've always enjoyed "Another Day in the Life of Bill" posts and appreciate Bill's welcoming spirit.Huzzah-huzzah! Thank you, Bill, for all you've done here at FOTMD!
Robin Thompson
07/29/10 10:53:14AM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

Huzzuh-huzzuh, FOTMD!I've listened to Phil's and Randy's versions of Spider Bit the Baby -- Boy, I like the tune!-- and to Strumelia's amazing cat find. (Somebody get that cat an agent and a lawyer! )

Robin Thompson
07/26/10 11:57:08AM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

folkfan,Phil Myers plays a great version of our official tune! And Randy Adams does, too.Oh, it's Spider Bit the Baby .
Robin Thompson
07/26/10 10:29:35AM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
How shall we mark the day?
I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two.

Ah yes...the official theme song.
Strumelia, I'd play our official tune if I knew it. Who knows, maybe I'll learn it by Thursday.
Robin Thompson
07/25/10 09:05:34PM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

How shall we mark the day?I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two.
Robin Thompson
07/12/10 01:44:14PM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

Dusty Turtle: . . .I assume we have simply taken on the personality of our beloved founder, Strumelia. . .I haven't felt quite like myself for the past several months so this would explain a lot. . .
Robin Thompson
07/09/10 04:34:20PM
1,463 posts

FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yup, Ken!FOTMD is the place to come for cool dulcimer music on the internet. Ken Hulme said:
Ya done GOOD, girl!
Robin Thompson
07/07/10 09:34:20AM
1,463 posts

Neat, Diane-- I'd love to see the exhibit! And I'd like to grab a bow and play the "Hybrid Dulcimer" just for fun.
updated by @robin-thompson: 02/16/16 12:30:20AM
Robin Thompson
06/28/10 03:23:13PM
1,463 posts


General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I enjoy this, Robin-- am listening now. Jamming with another musician or musicians is, in my experience, a great way to learn lots about tunes. Helps hone my listening skills, which are in need of honing. ;-)Thanks for sharing the recording, Robin!
Robin Thompson
09/04/11 10:19:29PM
1,463 posts

Hey, frets4fun-- feel free to share pictures when you get the dolphimer! :)
Robin Thompson
06/24/10 09:44:08AM
1,463 posts

I echo Flint's choices and can add Bobby's f-holes, too. I like an old-timey look.If a builder has a signature hole, so to speak, I may order that-- it's what I did when I ordered my PVMB from Gary Sager.

Robin Thompson
06/25/10 01:14:08PM
1,463 posts

I've had this book and cd for perhaps four years and love it! I could listen to Jean talk and play for hours-- and have! Strumelia said:
Perhaps if you don't like it you can sell it used on

For a whole different approach, perhaps next try Jean Ritchie's recent teaching dvd? She is a good beginner level teacher, and it'd be interesting for you to observe the difference in playing style.
Here it is:
Robin Thompson
06/08/10 08:04:02PM
1,463 posts


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Strumelia & FOTMD family, In addition to the many wonderful folks I know online, I've had the pleasure and privilege of meeting FOTMD player Julie Elman and playing music with her. Our getting together is truly a joy for which I'm most grateful!FOTMD feels like home-- thanks for all you've done, Strumelia!
Robin Thompson
06/04/10 11:51:57AM
1,463 posts


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Strumelia and Rod,You both have my undying gratitude.And if Mo's psychotherapy sessions run under a hundred bucks, sign me up for them, too.
Robin Thompson
06/04/10 09:07:20AM
1,463 posts


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Thank goodness we've hit 800! I'm starving!Robinwho's at the front of the line for the food
Robin Thompson
05/31/10 09:06:29PM
1,463 posts


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Thanks, Rod, I'll take 'em!I see Strumelia's skillets will be in use-- those 'Dutch Babies' look good!-- so can't borrow them.