Forum Activity for @robin-thompson

Robin Thompson
05/31/10 08:42:37PM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

I make a decent whole wheat crust pizza in a cast iron skillet. Trouble is, only got one skillet. So, I'm thinking I'll need to borrow 199 skillets.
Robin Thompson
05/14/10 09:44:55PM
1,463 posts

Just a note to mention that Randy Adams made a noter demonstration about his noter hold-- very much worth a look, too!
Robin Thompson
06/14/10 10:47:50AM
1,463 posts

Got any for sale? Flint Hill said:
"Ironwood" noter, from a slab collected in East Texas, ca. 1960, by A.L Vawter.

Approximately 6 1/4 x 3/8 x 1/4 in. (15 x 1 x 0.6 cm). "D" cross section.

Dense, extremely hard wood. It sinks in water and is difficult to work.

It made a nice, slick noter that sounds a bit softer than a goose quill.

Probably Big Bend or Eastern Hophornbeam. (Ostrya virginiana var. chisosensis or Ostrya virginiana var. virginiana, 2007)
Robin Thompson
04/26/10 01:01:05PM
1,463 posts

A toothbrush handle? Now that's something I think I haven't tried! I'm going to, though. . . My bone noters-- got from Randy Bretz-- yield clear tone on the string. For playing fast tunes, I need a noter that's forgiving, so use my homemade ones cut from a hard plastic jar that once held store-bought fruit. Photo can be seen by scrolling down the page just a bit here:
Robin Thompson
05/18/10 05:54:25PM
1,463 posts

The Kitchen Sink - talk about food

OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken, that's almost too pretty to eat. I might try this after berries come on this summer. Thanks!
Robin Thompson
05/07/10 09:16:14AM
1,463 posts

The Kitchen Sink - talk about food

OFF TOPIC discussions

The cabbage wedges wouldn't make it past the grilling stage with me. Ken Hulme said:
They are easy to do and so good tasting!

So... When are you serving them??? Enquiring minds and all that...
Robin Thompson
05/06/10 12:06:11PM
1,463 posts

The Kitchen Sink - talk about food

OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken, those recipes are mouth-watering.
Robin Thompson
04/03/10 09:58:04AM
1,463 posts

I, too, have only three strings on my dulcimers built to accommodate four. Play just seems to come easier for me with this set-up and the sound, to my ears, is fine.
Robin Thompson
05/31/10 06:08:49PM
1,463 posts

Party Time coming for 700 !!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Wakes can be fun. Well, in a way they can be. ;) razyn said:
I was afraid we were going to have to have a wake, for the 40.
Robin Thompson
04/02/10 02:41:34PM
1,463 posts

Party Time coming for 700 !!

OFF TOPIC discussions

I'll sign Dana up for fried chicken! :)I love her stories, by the way.
Robin Thompson
04/01/10 09:36:49PM
1,463 posts

Party Time coming for 700 !!

OFF TOPIC discussions

I don't know what to fix for the potluck. We should have the hootenanny outdoors, though-- was about 80 degrees here today!PS-I went hunting for morels today and came up empty. :( If I had a mess of them. . .
Robin Thompson
12/06/13 08:03:21PM
1,463 posts


Adventures with 'other' instruments...

So glad for you, dear Strumelia! The bowed dulcimer hold along with the underhand bow hold are, to me, comfortable. Have all kinds of fun learning!
Robin Thompson
04/01/10 06:56:38PM
1,463 posts


Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Those are cool. I wonder whether a decent one could be made from a gourd?Ken, I believe Toledo OH has a sister city relationship with Toledo Spain-- at least they used to.
Robin Thompson
03/27/10 10:41:11AM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Both thumbs up here, Ken. Looks good.
Robin Thompson
03/22/10 09:26:36PM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken's overview & Strumelia's comments look good to me.Ken, I would use "please" less-- both to clean up wording and so as not to make some actions appear to be optional. ;)
Robin Thompson
03/22/10 07:55:16PM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Well, double-dang. I hate it when stuff like that happens.Ken, I imagine others of us will keep an eye and ear open for music that's not in public domain. We want no trouble for FOTMD! Flint Hill said:
Dangit, I just posted a list of rules/suggestions, and they didn't post.

Back to the drawing board.

Should have done it in a text editor first.
Robin Thompson
03/19/10 08:55:25PM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken, in a jam a person "calls" a tune. Flint Hill said:
I wanted to say thanks to all who replied. I am feeling sort of stumped and stupid right now -- just got in from a long day working in a pasture.

It does seem like "challenge" is the wrong word, and maybe the wrong concept, even. I'll post again after I've gotten some rest. :)
Robin Thompson
03/19/10 02:42:55PM
1,463 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

I like this idea for a couple of reasons. First, recording one's own play is helpful, instructive. Secondly, listening to the play of others is helpful, instructive. And it's all fun! One thing it'd be good to emphasize, even over-emphasize, is this format is the opposite of a contest; here, players of all levels (not just the best, the professionals, the contest winners, etc.) are encouraged to submit recording.It'd be neat to have a thread where, say, there'd been a 'Pretty Saro' music challenge and one could hear ten different people play (or play & sing) 'Pretty Saro".
Robin Thompson
03/11/10 08:47:26PM
1,463 posts

Musical Traditions Dulcimer circa 1980

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Musical Traditions2375 Edgewater TerraceLos Angeles, Cal. 90039p121May have no connection to your luthiers. . .
Robin Thompson
03/11/10 05:29:58PM
1,463 posts

Musical Traditions Dulcimer circa 1980

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Ken,You probably already know that Jean Ritchie, in her Dulcimer People, includes a shop of that name in a "Where To Buy" section, located in Los Angeles.Good luck in your search!
Robin Thompson
03/02/10 11:38:59AM
1,463 posts

If you could only keep ONE of your dulcimers....

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Blue Lion Jean Ritchie modelspruce top, walnut back & sidesGot this dulcimer from a woman named Meghan in Berkeley CA who'd custom ordered it from the Bakers at Blue Lion. The spruce top-- it's Sitka spruce, I think-- was from wood Meghan's brother had had for 20 years. This dulcimer has none of the inlay that's typically on the Jean Ritchie model. I tried to get a decent photo of Jean's signature on the label that's inside the sound hole but got none that turned out well.It was hard to choose the one dulcimer I'd keep. One reason I chose this instrument is it's got a VSL short enough to accommodate a variety of tunings-- I like to change tunings! She plays smoothly and has good sound. Perhaps the main reason I chose it, though, is that it's a Jean Ritchie model-- I'm a big fan of hers!
Robin Thompson
03/14/10 09:11:43PM
1,463 posts

folkfan, you just haven't heard me really fly through it. So, I understand it being on your least-liked list. :) LOL folkfan said:
I can tell you some of my least favorite songs. I've been going through all my books, stacks, and piles of tab and throwing out those I just never play. So among the several hundred sheets of paper I seem to have thrown out so far, I can say that

Boil em (Sorry Robin, but I've heard this one, one too many times)
Old Joe
I've got rings on my fingers
Sidewalks of NY
Road to Boston
Green Corn
Shepherd's Hey
Goober Peas
Wabash Cannonball
etc and so on will never be heard in this house again.

Robin Thompson
03/12/10 09:37:20AM
1,463 posts

Always subject to change, here are three tunes I've enjoyed a lot in recent weeks:What'll I Do With the Baby-OStar of the County Down (on bowed dulcimer)Bile 'em Cabbage
Robin Thompson
02/17/10 11:49:33AM
1,463 posts

Suzanne, you are cool!
Robin Thompson
02/16/10 11:03:48PM
1,463 posts

Though not exactly call and response, might it work to sing a simple song or two with the leader lining out the songs like a Primitive Baptist song leader?
Robin Thompson
02/23/10 06:55:04PM
1,463 posts

How many dulcimers do you own... lets see the lists..

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Mary, being from the Buckeye State, I think it'd be neat to have a dulcerine made with buckeye someday. And my husband and I want to go visit Paul's shop someday. . . Mary Z. Cox said:
Got an email from Paul Conrad and these are the words:
walnut, honey locust, buckeye :)

Robin Thompson
02/16/10 03:05:15PM
1,463 posts

How many dulcimers do you own... lets see the lists..

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

*Prussia Valley Music Box 2006 - spruce top, cherry back & long sides - strung for Galax tuning*Jerry Rockwell teardrop 1992 - spruce top, figured maple back & sides*Jerry Rockwell small Kentucky hourglass 2009 - butternut top, birch ply back*Keith Young teardrop 1977 - butternut top, maple back & sides, wooden tuning pegs - bagpipe tuning*Blue Lion Jean Ritchie model (without inlay) 2003 - spruce top, walnut back & sides*Rodney Hensley hourglass 2009-all cherryEach of these dulcerines has a very different sound-- nice-- and each is strung with 3 strings.
Robin Thompson
02/15/10 11:48:17PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Feels fancy drinking this tea out of this pretty cup with a saucer.With 600 of us, maybe we ought to make two jam circles instead of one. ;) I call for "Red Wing" when my turn to call a tune comes 'round!
Robin Thompson
02/15/10 07:50:45PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Strumelia, enjoy the olives! I like J-E-L-L-O (sing while you spell it) and there's always room for it. :)Now to sample a little bit of this and a little bit of that. . .
Robin Thompson
02/15/10 07:27:50PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Thank goodness-- I'm hungry as a horse! :) Some appetizers and a jam with 600 of my closest friends. . . it's all good!
Robin Thompson
02/13/10 11:33:28PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Aw, Strumelia, come on! I was the 6th person to show up and I'm getting hungry waiting for the 600th! :) :) :) Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
Would somebody pass me those fries, please? Oh, and ketchup, too! :)

Sorry, no nibbling until we reach 600.
Mo, that tall burger is even more unsettling than my Jell-O mold!
Robin Thompson
02/13/10 08:30:43PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Good to know you made home safely, Bill.Would somebody pass me those fries, please? Oh, and ketchup, too! :)
Robin Thompson
02/13/10 04:58:10PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Mmm good-looking, Strumelia, and I'll bet it will taste as good as it looks! LOL I'll eat the celery, cheese cubes and/or pats of butter. I'm going to pick out those stuffed olives, though-- they look like eyeballs! :)
Robin Thompson
02/12/10 09:06:12PM
1,463 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

I've got beans soaking to cook for soup tomorrow. Bring your bowl & spoon!
Robin Thompson
05/02/10 10:58:08AM
1,463 posts

cats & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Paul Certo said:
C A T Spells Popoki. This Hawaiian song also lists dogs, rats, donkeys, monkeys, boys, girls & old men. But the title says Cat, in 2 languages. Does it count twice?
Robin Thompson
02/06/10 05:08:33PM
1,463 posts

cats & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

This is waaay harder than dog songs & tunes! I guess people just get sappier about dogs. :)With all the lonesome turtledoves flying from pine to pine, can you believe a cat never figured into that equation? There's a bunch of songs right there. :) And I can't believe there aren't a million songs that have cats and mice figuring into them some way. After all, how many cats have saved farmers from having all their grain looted by evil mice??? Someone should right this wrong and give cats their due! :)Harry Chapin's "Cats in the Cradle" comes to mind. Though "Gray Cat on a Tennessee Farm" is the only cat tune I play on dulcimer, I'd be happy to learn more tunes that feature felines. :)
Robin Thompson
01/17/11 11:23:41PM
1,463 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Randall, it's a good one and you do it up right. I appreciate your posting the link.

Randall McKinnon said:
I just uploaded the entire song on my website-- . You'll find it under the "Music" tab...Hope you enjoy it!

Robin Thompson said:


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Robin Thompson
12/25/10 11:01:34PM
1,463 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Robin Thompson
10/29/10 07:53:04PM
1,463 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

EmLee, thanks for giving me the name James King and the Echo Mountain title-- I think that may have been the song I heard on radio.Paul, what to say about Barney? Powerful. Thanks for the link
Robin Thompson
05/05/10 12:19:24PM
1,463 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Certainly no dog ever bit a baby in an OT tune.