Forum Activity for @robin-thompson

Robin Thompson
01/08/10 08:11:29PM
1,471 posts

Deputy Mo ejects Evil Spammer while Strumelia snoozes on the job!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Something illegal happened here and I missed it???Rod, my mother thanks you for saving me from who-knows-what-goes-on when she's not around to save me first. :)Good job, Rod!
Robin Thompson
04/05/12 11:42:02AM
1,471 posts

Favorite accessories to go with MD

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Opportunity's knocking, Dana!

Folkfan's advice is great.

Dana R. McCall said:

Great Gobbs of Goose Grease I've lost my SNARK!!! and my dulcimer is out of tune. It is my favorite and most valuable accessorie. I can't live without it. I need to learn to tune by ear. What am I going to do till I get another one?

Robin Thompson
01/03/10 08:41:08PM
1,471 posts

Favorite accessories to go with MD

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Rosemary,A dulcimer rests on a possum board for play, allowing the back of the dulcimer to vibrate with greater freedom, thus producing greater volume.One of my favorite dulcimer accessories is a section of rubber bath mat that's placed on the lap under the dulcimer. Since I don't usually use a strap on my instrument, I like the mat for keeping the instrument from sliding onto the floor. :)
Robin Thompson
01/07/10 03:32:34PM
1,471 posts

400 members coming up..

OFF TOPIC discussions

Chili sounds great! I've got bread rising now, so I'll bring that when it comes out of the oven.
Robin Thompson
12/27/09 07:43:33PM
1,471 posts

400 members coming up..

OFF TOPIC discussions

My plate's ready and my napkin's tucked under my chin. You dish it out, I can take it! :)
Robin Thompson
12/27/09 06:12:48PM
1,471 posts

400 members coming up..

OFF TOPIC discussions

Kind folks have showered us with candy-- toffee, chocolates of different kinds, bull's-eyes, Tootsie Rolls, and more. Y'all are welcome to any we've got; I won't hold back the stuff I like best. :)
Robin Thompson
12/25/09 10:19:06AM
1,471 posts

A Very Merry Christmas to all my New Friends

OFF TOPIC discussions

Hudson shows up well in the snow! Good looking dog!
Robin Thompson
12/23/09 12:56:56PM
1,471 posts

A Very Merry Christmas to all my New Friends

OFF TOPIC discussions

I echo Randy's sentiments about here-- a wonderful site with welcoming folks! (I've got one of Randy's necklace noters on a cord wrapped 'round my wrist right now. My Prussia Valley Music Box is on my lap and I've been playing!)Happy Christmas and new year to all!
Robin Thompson
01/05/10 03:08:55PM
1,471 posts

Bowed Psaltery

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Bowed psaltery players are welcomed to join the Rosin the Bow group here at FOTMD. Please feel free to come share your music, ask questions, answer questions. . .Robin
Robin Thompson
11/26/09 09:28:41PM
1,471 posts

Thanksgiving: Old Blue

OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken,When our first old dog, a beagle mix named Benny, died, we said he went to the land where the rabbits were slow and the females were short.I'm sorry Roadie died and it's good her passing was a peaceful one.
Robin Thompson
12/02/09 08:42:32PM
1,471 posts

Diane, A lending library for instruments would be neat!
Robin Thompson
12/02/09 12:13:52PM
1,471 posts

Hi, Diane!I am a fan of a three-row chord set-up, majors in the middle, sevenths toward the treble, minors toward the bass. I have two chromatic 'harps-- one with 21 chords and one with 15. My 15-bar 'harp is does not completely comply with the majors in the middle, sevenths on top, minors on bottom but the arrangement demonstrates a logical compromise because it's based on the circle of fifths.Sevenths toward the treble side: C7, G7, D7, A7, and EMajors in the middle: Bflat, C, G, D, AMinors toward the bass side: Fmaj, a, e, b, fsharpYou can play most of an A chord by pressing A7 & Aminor at the same time; I'd rather have an A bar, though.The disclaimer to all this is I am far, far, far from expert on autoharp. I'm a strummer and by-ear player. Autoharp music theory discussions cause my eyes to glaze over. A weakness on my part that I'm willing to live with. LOL
updated by @robin-thompson: 01/31/16 01:28:54AM
Robin Thompson
02/07/12 12:52:09PM
1,471 posts

That is some tailpiece. Though I've not seen a lot of dulcimers, that tailpiece looks most unusual.

You've got a beauty, Kevin!

Robin Thompson
02/06/12 10:05:34PM
1,471 posts

Wow, Kevin, how cool!

Robin Thompson
11/23/09 09:07:06PM
1,471 posts

You're right, CD, it wasn't long ago that a Jeffreys fetched a pretty penny on eBay. I look forward to learning how the story turns out!
Robin Thompson
11/05/09 08:45:08PM
1,471 posts

I like lots of tunes/songs. Here are some:RoustaboutGathering FlowersLittle BirdieChased Old SatanRed WingRed Rocking ChairArkansas TravelerHunting the BuffaloShady GroveWhiskey Before Breakfast
Robin Thompson
01/07/10 10:50:40PM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I'm sure Mrs. Queen was a treasure to those who knew her.Rest in peace, Mary Jane Queen.
Robin Thompson
01/07/10 10:09:01PM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Neat story, Lois. I'd love to get to see Mrs Queen in person to hear her play and sing!
Robin Thompson
11/05/09 09:07:33AM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks, Greg, I searched Henry Queen and found the site!
Robin Thompson
10/25/09 10:38:49AM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

It'd be fun to sit down and play some tunes with you, Phil!
Robin Thompson
10/24/09 08:11:50PM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Phil, are there many other dulcimer players in your neck of the woods?
Robin Thompson
10/19/09 01:50:37PM
1,471 posts

the Queen family of Jackson Co NC

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

In his blog, Bill Lewis mentioned he watched a program on PBS about the Queen family from Jackson County NC. Anybody here know the Queens? The documentary looks great and I'd like to see it.
updated by @robin-thompson: 01/15/16 10:25:51AM
Robin Thompson
10/21/09 03:09:17PM
1,471 posts

I just made a twelve string guitar

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

All-around wonderful, Dick.For sure, I'll never attempt to build a 12-string guitar! Seems a 6-string would be half as much trouble. :)
Robin Thompson
11/10/09 05:48:43PM
1,471 posts

Teri, I just now watched the YouTube video of the historical exhibit-- neat! Wish I could've visited the museum in person!Thank you for the link.
Robin Thompson
10/04/09 08:22:46PM
1,471 posts

I know it was a treat for me to visit Warren's shop a few years back-- Berea is a place I'd like to visit again. . . WMay is certainly deserving of the honor bestowed upon him!
Robin Thompson
10/05/11 03:40:24PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Wow! I'd love to see (and hear!) you play, Mike!
Robin Thompson
10/05/11 03:21:50PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


I'm curious about how you hold the dulcimer when bowing. Do you use a fiddle bow? Are you playing both fast and slow tunes?

I really like the sound of a mountain dulcimer that is bowed!

Robin Thompson
04/05/11 01:41:02PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Mike, the way you're holding it makes more sense to me (than with the fingers in the grooves).
Robin Thompson
04/04/11 07:36:27PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I'd like to give one of those a try sometime, Mike, to hear how it sounds. With my coordination, though, I'm afraid it'd be like trying to pat my head and rub my stomach at the same time.
Robin Thompson
04/04/11 01:57:50PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


If you have any photos of your bow or sound clips of you playing, I'd love to see them.

Robin Thompson
11/04/09 01:45:07PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Anybody bow in the fashion of Leah Smith, as seen in Jean Ritchie's THE DULCIMER BOOK, with the dulcimer propped on a table at its waist and the tail of the instrument on her lap? (10) In Gerry Milnes's PLAY OF A FIDDLE, he relates that Samuel Johnson was said to have played hymns with a bow, the dulcimer's headstock propped on a window sill. (139)Bowing a lap dulcimer and getting good sound is not easy. I do love the other-worldly sound got from a lap dulcimer being bowed.
Robin Thompson
10/29/09 09:49:06PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Hey, Diane, I hope you get the chance to bow a dulcimer this weekend! If you already fiddle and have some experience on cello, you'll take to a bowed dulcimer right away.Let me know, please, "if the stars align properly." ; )
Robin Thompson
09/28/09 06:13:10PM
1,471 posts

Bowing a dulcimer

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Anybody here who bows a mountain dulcimer?Anybody here who has a dulcimer built especially to be bowed?I have a Ken Bloom bowed dulcimer and enjoy learning to play it. :-) Before I got my bowed dulcimer, though, I was holding a mountain dulcimer the way one holds a bowed dulcimer (upright, with bout steadied at the knees) and bowing it. Through time, folks who have bowed mountain dulcimers have held them in who knows how many different ways? Or, if set on a table, didn't hold them at all.So, one and all, I'm curious to learn of the adventures of others with bowing a dulcimer of any kind. . .
updated by @robin-thompson: 02/17/19 09:41:16AM
Robin Thompson
11/06/09 11:10:41AM
1,471 posts

Only 10 to go till 200 members

OFF TOPIC discussions

Hmm. What would be good to eat with pickles, pickled beets, cookies, and applesauce?Chocolate, of course! Then we'll wash it all down with orange juice. LOLSeems like just yesterday that little FOTMD was born. . .Thanks, Strumelia!
Robin Thompson
09/08/09 07:27:46AM
1,471 posts

Our thanks to "Deputy Mo".

OFF TOPIC discussions

Thanks for tending to The Bad Spammer, Rod! I hope Strumelia gives you another bullet next time she puts you in charge :-)I'll keep my eyes open for pictures of your new acquisition!Robin
Robin Thompson
09/03/09 10:47:45AM
1,471 posts

Randy is a great fretless dulcimer player! He's also a great fretted dulcimer player! When he plays fretless, it's a very blues-y sound he gets out of his cigar boxes. His old-timey (and classical!) music is, I believe, generally played on a fretted dulcimer.I guess what I'm trying to get at is the idea that a fretless dulcimer and a fretted dulcimer are two different critters and each has inherent strong qualities and limitations.Robin
Robin Thompson
03/16/10 06:00:37PM
1,471 posts

Cool, Vicki!I plan to try playing outside in a public place-- a college green, I think-- just to get used to playing where people can see and hear me.Let us know how all goes the next time. Forget a tin cup-- go with a bucket! :)
Robin Thompson
03/15/10 03:28:12PM
1,471 posts

The dulcimer has been called a lot of different/cool names that could be worked into a fun song! :)