dogs & songs
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Good one, Hunter!
Very cool picture, Paul!
I've never posted a picture here because, first, I didn't have a scanner. And now that we do have a machine that scans (at least I think it scans), I don't know how to scan old photos. So, ignorance is my excuse.
Scott, y'all look so cool.
If I were ever to do re-enactment, is cross-dressing allowed? ( The guys have cooler clothes! )
What a neat snapsnot, Clare! Do you play violin (or fiddle) now?
Trouble is, I'm very fast on your toes, errr, feet, too! :D
Dosey Doe there Robin, LOL! And Congrats FOTMD and Hallie! What a great milestone!
Cider and cheese, please, John!
That picture Lisa posted is some marvel of engineering in the world of hair styling. :)
Robin, I want one of those too. May be willing to eat a disgusting canned meat (supposedly) product to get one Is there going to be a special event when 5,000 members are reached?
Thank you all for the very sweet comments of appreciation. It's quite nice.
Thanks Robin! I'm calling my new original aspic recipe "MacArthur Park Mold" . lololol....
Opportunity's knocking, Dana!
Folkfan's advice is great.
Dana R. McCall said:
Great Gobbs of Goose Grease I've lost my SNARK!!! and my dulcimer is out of tune. It is my favorite and most valuable accessorie. I can't live without it. I need to learn to tune by ear. What am I going to do till I get another one?