Forum Activity for @robin-thompson

Robin Thompson
02/13/10 04:58:10PM
1,471 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Mmm good-looking, Strumelia, and I'll bet it will taste as good as it looks! LOL I'll eat the celery, cheese cubes and/or pats of butter. I'm going to pick out those stuffed olives, though-- they look like eyeballs! :)
Robin Thompson
02/12/10 09:06:12PM
1,471 posts

Party time :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

I've got beans soaking to cook for soup tomorrow. Bring your bowl & spoon!
Robin Thompson
05/02/10 10:58:08AM
1,471 posts

cats & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Paul Certo said:
C A T Spells Popoki. This Hawaiian song also lists dogs, rats, donkeys, monkeys, boys, girls & old men. But the title says Cat, in 2 languages. Does it count twice?
Robin Thompson
02/06/10 05:08:33PM
1,471 posts

cats & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

This is waaay harder than dog songs & tunes! I guess people just get sappier about dogs. :)With all the lonesome turtledoves flying from pine to pine, can you believe a cat never figured into that equation? There's a bunch of songs right there. :) And I can't believe there aren't a million songs that have cats and mice figuring into them some way. After all, how many cats have saved farmers from having all their grain looted by evil mice??? Someone should right this wrong and give cats their due! :)Harry Chapin's "Cats in the Cradle" comes to mind. Though "Gray Cat on a Tennessee Farm" is the only cat tune I play on dulcimer, I'd be happy to learn more tunes that feature felines. :)
Robin Thompson
01/17/11 11:23:41PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Randall, it's a good one and you do it up right. I appreciate your posting the link.

Randall McKinnon said:
I just uploaded the entire song on my website-- . You'll find it under the "Music" tab...Hope you enjoy it!

Robin Thompson said:


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Robin Thompson
12/25/10 11:01:34PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Robin Thompson
10/29/10 07:53:04PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

EmLee, thanks for giving me the name James King and the Echo Mountain title-- I think that may have been the song I heard on radio.Paul, what to say about Barney? Powerful. Thanks for the link
Robin Thompson
05/05/10 12:19:24PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Certainly no dog ever bit a baby in an OT tune.
Robin Thompson
04/27/10 10:51:28AM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Mary Z Cox posted this "Old Blue" on YouTube-- and she's playing her new Paul Conrad-made Timbre Hill dulcimer:
Robin Thompson
02/05/10 09:14:13PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Oh, "Gnarled" is great and great fun-- thanks for including it here, fellas!Suzanne, I've never seen these lyrics nor before heard the song. Poignant. Thank you.
Robin Thompson
02/04/10 09:42:16AM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks for the links, Ken. I was familiar neither with the legend surrounding Gelert nor the story of Saint Guinefort.Dogs rule! Come to think of it, cats do, too! :)
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 09:46:52PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ken, "Old Blue" is deserving of the praise it gets.I heard a song on radio about a man who returns to his cabin to find his dog bloodied. Believing the dog to have killed his child, the man kills the dog. Of course the fellow then learns the dog had gotten bloodied protecting (or trying to protect) the child from a wild animal.This ring a bell with anybody? I don't remember the facts of the song well-- probably obvious. Maybe it's one of the maudlin coon dog songs Ken mentioned. Anyway, the song hit me right in the heart. My, was it sad!
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 03:38:17PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

ff,I don't recall ever hearing all the lyrics. And you're right about that last line. I imagine the poor dog might've been off somewhere on a chase if he weren't charged with watching over feckless Betsy and Ike. :)
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 02:35:27PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Flint-Hill's "Old Blue" tops my list!When I was little, I wanted to know if there was a dog heaven. Now that I'm well into middle age, I know where I want to go when I die. :)
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 01:36:24PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Mary, have you ever heard John Hartford's old-timey version of "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog"?PS-The second YouTube link didn't take me to your favorite dog tune of all time. :(
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 12:07:45PM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Right now, I've got fiddler Rayna Gellert's Old Yeller Dog Come Trottin Through The Meetinghouse playing on my iTunes. Neat tune.folkfan, I don't know all the words to Sweet Betsey from Pike so am glad she took her dog. Of the words I know, she only had her husband Ike with her.
Robin Thompson
02/03/10 09:41:12AM
1,471 posts

dogs & songs

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Lassie, Ole Yeller, Spot. . . How much is that doggie in the window? B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O. . . Whether you actually had a dog or not, many grew up watching, reading, or singing about a dog.
Got any favorite dog-themed songs?
Here's one of mine and it's by FOTMD member Flint-Hill:

updated by @robin-thompson: 08/03/23 11:09:45AM
Robin Thompson
01/28/10 10:53:53AM
1,471 posts

Doug Berch's cool blog

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Doug's photo of the burning dulcimer is almost a heart-stopper. And a prompt to think.It was a pleasure to hear Doug's music at Fort New Salem WV last August!
Robin Thompson
01/21/10 10:57:31AM
1,471 posts

Diane,Some of my favorites for the tuning are "Shady Grove," "Red Rocking Chair," "Roustabout," "Wayfaring Stranger".I love to play in Dag or Dac tuning!Robin
Robin Thompson
07/30/12 03:27:11PM
1,471 posts

Lets have some fun and laughs..

OFF TOPIC discussions

Very cool picture, Paul!

I've never posted a picture here because, first, I didn't have a scanner. And now that we do have a machine that scans (at least I think it scans), I don't know how to scan old photos. So, ignorance is my excuse. 

Robin Thompson
02/24/11 02:14:09PM
1,471 posts

Lets have some fun and laughs..

OFF TOPIC discussions

That's neat, Scott, and the route I imagine I'd take if I got into re-enactment.
Robin Thompson
02/24/11 01:00:45PM
1,471 posts

Lets have some fun and laughs..

OFF TOPIC discussions

Scott, y'all look so cool.

If I were ever to do re-enactment, is cross-dressing allowed? ( The guys have cooler clothes! )

Robin Thompson
11/24/10 07:17:19PM
1,471 posts

Lets have some fun and laughs..

OFF TOPIC discussions

What a neat snapsnot, Clare! Do you play violin (or fiddle) now?

Robin Thompson
03/17/14 10:37:37AM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Both Pavlova and fairy bread sound yummy!
Robin Thompson
03/16/14 06:39:04PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Helen, though I know not what Pavlova nor fairy bread is, I'll have some of each! :)
Robin Thompson
03/16/14 05:56:16PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Trouble is, I'm very fast on your toes, errr, feet, too! :D

Robin Thompson
03/16/14 05:47:50PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Okay, Carrie, put on your steel- toed shoes and let's go! :)

Carrie Barnes said:

Dosey Doe there Robin, LOL! And Congrats FOTMD and Hallie! What a great milestone!

Robin Thompson
03/16/14 05:01:35PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Hey, I grew up going to a "no dancing" church so can't dance worth a darn. It's a special occasion, though-- anybody want to be my partner? :DYay, FOTMD!
Robin Thompson
03/14/14 03:18:03PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Cider and cheese, please, John!

That picture Lisa posted is some marvel of engineering in the world of hair styling. :)

Robin Thompson
03/14/14 03:14:55PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Patty, you can always have diced Sp*m in an omelette-- lots of eggs with little of the canned meat product. :) I'd eat it to get one of John's VA style dulcimers!The big doings at FOTMD this year will be for the 5- year anniversary of the site! Though I can't promise pony rides for all the kids, it will be a special occasion. :)

Patty from Virginia said:

Robin, I want one of those too. May be willing to eat a disgusting canned meat (supposedly) product to get one Is there going to be a special event when 5,000 members are reached?

Robin Thompson
03/14/14 01:00:59PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

John,I'd rather have one of your builds to play at the party than an original Thomas! One of your sweet Virginia beauties. . .
Robin Thompson
03/14/14 12:38:22PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

I'll bring green eggs and ham to the party! :)
Robin Thompson
03/10/14 10:21:55AM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

In my eyes, FOTMD sparked a real revival in noter and drone style dulcimer play. Though it's true the style never died- out, this site has given great exposure to the use of noter play. For that, I will always be grateful to you, Strumelia, and to the many on this site who serve (sometimes unknowingly) as my teachers.

Strumelia said:

Thank you all for the very sweet comments of appreciation. It's quite nice.

Robin Thompson
03/09/14 08:13:32PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Perfect! Did you make the aspic then let it grow its own icing? I simply MUST have your recipe! ;)

Rob, fill- in the blank: Strumelia's MacArthur Park Mold looks good enough to _______. :)

Strumelia said:

Thanks Robin! I'm calling my new original aspic recipe "MacArthur Park Mold" . lololol....

Robin Thompson
03/09/14 05:22:20PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Strumelia, there aren't enough superlatives to describe the new aspic recipe you're working on! Don't change a thing! It looks positively, well, I'm speechless. . . LOL!

7 mountain dulcimers on the premises now. 1 dulcimer is on "permanent" loan to my nephew (his to keep as long as he wants it) and 1 other is on loan to my cousin. So, I own 9.PS- RIP, Rod Westerfield. He was Lisa's right hand man here at FOTMD and was welcoming to all.<3
Robin Thompson
03/08/14 09:34:03PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

We're on the countdown to how many members now? Would that be 5,000? :) Yay, FOTMD!
Robin Thompson
01/12/10 07:04:42PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

Ken, I want to sample everything!Although I know beggars can't be choosers, I have one teeny-tiny request: could you leave out the hominy? :)
Robin Thompson
01/11/10 08:08:01PM
1,471 posts's party time again... REVISITED :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

When I joined, I had NO idea what I was getting into. :)