Lets have some fun and laughs..

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Me and my Coper Girl, in Tillamook, OR trail riding what a life!


9 years ago
2,321 posts

Yeah many of them are missing Jan...but they're not even in the source code so there's nothing I can do to dig them up.  (Update:  I've deleted a few posts and responses that made no sense since the photos were no longer there)   Onward and upward!  (or should I say under and backward?)  


Here's me in 1997....about 19 years ago....possum on a stump?  with my Keith Young curly maple dulcimer that's seen in the fotmd logo.  Ah, would that I were still that spry and willowy!    oma


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 04/29/16 10:43:17AM
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
9 years ago
402 posts

Perhaps I should have pointed out that at least half of the photos are missing from this discussion from 6 years ago...

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
9 years ago
402 posts

I vote we pay tribute to Rod and resurrect this discussion with its glorification of our Younger Years!

I will even try to locate one or two of mine and figure out how to upload them!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
10 years ago
2,321 posts

Ken, you handsome devil!   coool

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Backer
Ken Backer
10 years ago
31 posts

I was 17 here, learning to fly with hopes of becoming a crop duster.  I never became a duster pilot, which is probebly for the best.

Bob Reinsel
Bob Reinsel
10 years ago
80 posts

Bob, that is too cute!!  

Strummelia, that's me in about 1967.  We were in a somewhat different place in our lives those days.  nod

Site Moderator

The greatest music is made for love, not for money -- Greg Lake

updated by @bob-reinsel: 06/17/15 08:50:54AM
Ken Backer
Ken Backer
10 years ago
31 posts

All these pictures are great!  Loved looking at them.  I am about 10 in this one, warming up for a performance.

Ken Backer
Ken Backer
10 years ago
31 posts

Lisa, I am impressed!  Did you have turtle soup that night with you duck dinner?  Did you dive in after them or were they cooperative.

10 years ago
2,321 posts

Bob, that is too cute!!   nerd2

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Bob Reinsel
Bob Reinsel
10 years ago
80 posts

Me in about 1967

Site Moderator

The greatest music is made for love, not for money -- Greg Lake
Ken Backer
Ken Backer
10 years ago
31 posts

Lisa, you were a doll in that picture  (and still are)

10 years ago
2,321 posts

Here I am about 25 years ago, holding up two snapping turtles I caught by hand from our duck pond. (seriously!)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
13 years ago
2,321 posts

Wow, terrific pictures, everyone!!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

72_forums.jpg Graduation 1975

13 years ago
169 posts

THAT'S not gonna happen !!! ... temps get below 70 I lose my sense of humor altogether .........Tongue.gif

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

Hi there Ken, good to hear from you . Might be some milage in it, especialy if Sam will repeat that skinny dipping thing in December !!!


Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
13 years ago
2,157 posts

Now there's an idea John...

13 years ago
169 posts

John I'll have to say that FOTMD has some real HOTTIES!!!!!!! Think we should do a calendar?

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Paul Certo
Paul Certo
13 years ago
242 posts

Why, it's very easy to scan. I simply ask Mrs.Wanda why it won't work, and if she's busy, I wait for one of the daughters to visit, and tell me what I did wrong.Grin.gif Dorothy, as Wizard leaves the Emerald City in Hot Air Balloon: "Wait, come back!" Wizard: "I can't . I don't know how it works!" That's me, too.

I will accept that excuse. At least until an 8 year-old child visits. For some reason, they know all about confusters.


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,477 posts

Very cool picture, Paul!

I've never posted a picture here because, first, I didn't have a scanner. And now that we do have a machine that scans (at least I think it scans), I don't know how to scan old photos. So, ignorance is my excuse. 

Paul Certo
Paul Certo
13 years ago
242 posts

With nearly 3000 members, this thread could easily be up to a couple dozen pages. Some of Y'all are hiding. I can understand if you are in the witness protection plan, or never saw the thread because you are newer members and it was buried for a good while. But it's back, Y'all are here, and there's only a small number of you hiding from the mob. Here's one of me and my younger daughter, Marianne, at a period dinner dance.


13 years ago
2,321 posts

I'm bumping up Deputy Mo's old thread in his honor.... ok let's see some more now you guys!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Paul Certo
Paul Certo
14 years ago
242 posts


There are songs about women posing as men in the service, such as Jackaroe. The idea is an old one, there are probably historical references to real instances. Extra musicians around the campfire are always welcome.


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,477 posts
That's neat, Scott, and the route I imagine I'd take if I got into re-enactment.
Scott Allen
Scott Allen
14 years ago
24 posts


There are a few females that do that. They use as their personnawomenlike Molly Pitcher, Mad Anne Bailey and others. Mostly women who lost their husband in battle and hadno place to go or no way to make a living, so they donned men's clothes and tried to hide obvious features and continued in their man's place in the army. Some actually got away with it!


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,477 posts

Scott, y'all look so cool.

If I were ever to do re-enactment, is cross-dressing allowed? ( The guys have cooler clothes! Grin.gif )

Scott Allen
Scott Allen
14 years ago
24 posts

OMG! I just realized that I said "I'd have to dig her up" when I was talking about my old picture. Mom is still kicking...:) Lisa, I do enjoy 18th century living history interpretation. I combines my love of history, camping shooting flintlocks, woods running, and many other things. I 've been doing it for over 30 years. Now, if I can only get a historical reference to a non-hammered dulcimer from around the 1760s!


14 years ago
2,321 posts
Scott, that's very cool. :D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 06/17/15 08:18:28AM
Scott Allen
Scott Allen
14 years ago
24 posts

It's great seeing these old photos!Mom has one around somewhere of me with my first dulcimer in 1973 I'llhave her dig up. Since Folkfan has one of her in strange cloths, I'll post one too.This is at a Living History event at Fort Frederick, MD.I'm the one on the far left. Since then I cut my hair and what was left was so traumatized it started falling out!


Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

OMG , that dress was called by us girls then ,the Tent Dress !

Strumelia said:

Hey Sue, I actually have a skirt in a fabric that reminds me of your dress fabric- and it's called the "Pinky Highball Go-go skirt" ...!! 

Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

I'm learning the fiddle.,would have liked starting at a young age.Great gift you have there Clare

Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

Clare, this is adorable photo !

Robin Thompson said:

What a neat snapsnot, Clare! Do you play violin (or fiddle) now?

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,477 posts

What a neat snapsnot, Clare! Do you play violin (or fiddle) now?

15 years ago
2,321 posts

Hey Sue, I actually have a skirt in a fabric that reminds me of your dress fabric- and it's called the "Pinky Highball Go-go skirt" ...!! 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 03/24/18 04:56:07PM
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

the 60's hair-do flip-

Jim Edwards said:

Awesome hair!
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts

Hi Jackie, are they real gems ??? Thanks for your comment,
best wishes


Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
You were ready ! too cute

Jackie said:

This is my High School Prom Pic...1970 check out the Tiara!
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Do you cherish your skills now Jan

Jan Payne said:

Early 70's ish doing what I totally disliked - piano practice YUK.
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

Love this photo Strumelia !

Strumelia said:

This is me around age 4, dressed up as a princess for Halloween. I have my mother's lace slip draped over my head as a 'royal train', and she drew my eylashes on with eyebrow pencil. =8-)

Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Great Pic Dana

Dana R. McCall said:
1975 Was a good year Rod.
15 years ago
169 posts

Sue Simms said:
My Sophmore High School Yr ! oh the good old days

Sue Simms said:

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Love this Photo Sam !

Sam said:
When I had hair ...... an' a Red Ryder shirt ...

Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
This is a Great photo girl !

Strumelia said:
Here's one from my teenage hippy days... (I'm the blond one) I think it was around 1967 and I must have been 13 or 14.
I remember buying that fur coat at the Salvation army for like $3. Right away my friend Susan got one too. LOL!


Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

Twas young here !

Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Love the Photos ! okay I will dig one up
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Just adorable !

Flint Hill said:
Blondie and her boy, 1953.

Blondie and her boy, 1953

updated by @sue-simms: 06/16/15 05:19:47PM
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
Love it !

folkfan said:
This is about as old as I can get. But it's only from 2006

The Chicago Highland Games take by Clan Macleod.
Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts

Just too cute !

Travis Rodgers said:

I believe this is my 12th birthday. We had it at a local Q-zar


Sue Simms
Sue Simms
15 years ago
29 posts
I love it !
15 years ago
2,321 posts
Dana R. McCall said:
1975 Was a good year Rod.
Too cute, Dana!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
15 years ago
168 posts
1975 Was a good year Rod.
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
15 years ago
168 posts
Wow Lisa you look like a model in this pic. Strumelia said:
Here's one from my teenage hippy days... (I'm the blond one) I think it was around 1967 and I must have been 13 or 14.
I remember buying that fur coat at the Salvation army for like $3. Right away my friend Susan got one too. LOL!


15 years ago
2,321 posts

This is me around age 4, dressed up as a princess for Halloween. I have my mother's lace slip draped over my head as a 'royal train', and she drew my eylashes on with eyebrow pencil. =8-)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 06/16/15 05:12:55PM
15 years ago
169 posts
When I had hair ...... an' a Red Ryder shirt ...

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
15 years ago
85 posts
This is my senior picture back in 1968

Site Moderator
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
15 years ago
62 posts
Blondie and her boy, 1953. Blondie and her boy, 1953
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts
Trying to post a 'Family' pic, got it in the wrong place so far, will try again Rod, JohnH
15 years ago
2,321 posts

Here's one from my teenage hippy days... (I'm the blond one) I think it was around 1967 and I must have been 13 or 14.I remember buying that oversized ratty old fur coat at the Salvation army for like $3. Right away my friend Susan got one too. LOL!


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 06/19/19 03:51:17PM
15 years ago
357 posts
This is about as old as I can get. But it's only from 2006

The Chicago Highland Games take by Clan Macleod.
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
15 years ago
109 posts
ok so this week on FB is like way back.. retro week or something like that... any way you are to post an old picture of you.. so I thought we are all family here.. so lets share a picture of you from the past... I'll start I dug out my old High School Sr Picture...

ok you can stop laughing, that's from 1975...
updated by @rod-westerfield: 07/31/23 08:32:05PM