What's up with the headless vids?????
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Signed photo's available thro' the president of my USA fan club (JohnK), or copies of original artwork from Dana Mac !!!
Signed photo's available thro' the president of my USA fan club (JohnK), or copies of original artwork from Dana Mac !!!
Now do you see what we are shielding you from Mandy !!! lol (Dusty, I know that we have all had to tighten our belts a bit over here, but did'nt realise Her Maj' had been reduced to flogging off part of the crown jewels ?)
Mandy ! I have been chewing my nails since you posted this, as it almost immediatly follows the posting of my last video. I therefore plead guilty as charged, but offer three points in mitigation !
I almost always concentrate the thrust of any video I offer on my dulcimer and what I am doing with it. There are some really good videos having excellent 'instructional' content to be found on our site, from people like Brian G, Dusty T, to name but two, which I am sure offer a good help to some newcomers to our musical world (which I realise you are not) and I have tried to illustate the way I play to the same end (and have had good feedback as a result of so doing)
I have limited ability with the computer and its associated 'gizmos', and while I do have a better means of producing videos, I tend to be by myself when I record one shot stuff with a cheapo webcam, and now know what angles, distances, ect work, and still leave 'contols' within easy reach
I always try to be considerate in my dealings with other people, and I am well aware that my playing position is likely to subject viewers to an irritating degree of glare resulting from the ever decreasing amount of hair that I possess !!
Having said that, I would not have missed seeing your daughter recently, and with reluctance concede that some of John K's shirts may just be worth a second glance ???
best wishes
Hello Brian, having been a chippie for most of my life I have knocked those L.H. fingers enough times for them to be aquainted with our friend 'Arthur........! You could try anything that has a larger dia grip, (Ken Hulme offers great info in his 'Get Noterised'), Experiment ! I often make use of the plastic barrels of discarded ballpoint (or similar) pens, which vary considerably in dia, and also in resultant tone, believe it or not!, The plain old bamboo (?river cane?) garden stakes that most of us have hanging around can usually be relied upon when cut into suitable lenghts to give a selection of noters in differing dia, and you can of course wrap most things you may want to use in something to increase it's dia. (electricians tape ect). Randy Adams gives good advice on using thumb and forefinger in a' parallel' grip on a noter which I found helpful ? (just don't aim to use a noter as he does in five minutes !!! lol)
Thanks folks, this site (and the people on it) has provided me with a lot of pleasure these last two years, impossible to 'shake everyone's hand' so to speak, so something made from reclaimed timber to the originator of FOTMD hopefully fits the bill, particularly if she shares it with us all, lol !
Just about two years ago I returned home from hospital after heart surgery to find a package from Rod, his book ! Plus the news that he was no longer with us ! I miss him, for his forbearance , infinate patience, and willingness to guide !!! On here and on 'Paltalk', he helped me (my abysmal knowledge of things 'computer' is long standing) and in the early days of this treasure that is FOTMD he was a presence ! As Lisa has said, always remembered !
Tut tut ! With your wardrobe in it's current state !!
C'mon JK !!!
Hello Gale, I used to take the dulcimer into schools a while back, and often used a simple song from Jean Ritchie's book ' Singing Family of The Cumberlands'. It can be found on pages 11/12 , "There was an Old Woman, all skin and bones', simple tune, nicely minor, easy to tailor to suit your audience, with a great 'punch line' ending ?
good luck in your search
Sorry Bob, should have mentioned that I posted it under another name commonly given to this tune, "Velentia Harbour" (posted oct 12 th, 2010)
Hello Bob, this is one of my favourites also !!! I cannot sing for toffee, but did manage to post a fair attempt at it on this site? You might be interested in a listen?
best wishes
JohnH robert schuler said:
A slow air called...Amhran Na Leabhair. Don't ask me to pronounce it but the alternate name is, Song of the Books and or Valencia Harbor. Its a song about an 18th century professor who is sent to a new school. He loads all his worldly possessions on a ship including his beloved books while he travels by land. The ship sinks and all his books are lost. He morns the loss of his books. Its a popular song on the whistle and is sung in a style the name of which I forget. That is sung almost in one continious way without breaks or pauses a very mornful sound.. Bob.
Jim, what was it we were talking about..................?
(Completly Right............... Sometimes!)
That Bobby types much faster than I do, sorry for repeating what has already been said.
Hello Brian, I think that I remember you saying that you were not particularly 'technical' but a reasonably low tech experiment you might consider is to slacken all the strings (assuming the bridge to be in a slot?) and see if you are able to lift the bass side of the bridge sufficient to be able to insert some small thickness of packing beneath that side only, cigarette paper thickness for example, maybe in increments, before re-tightening the strings to pitch. If nothing else it may indicate the degree of the problem, and perhaps save you having to send the instrument off. You could also try taking the gauge of that bass string 'up one', as Tom has suggested.
On the other hand you could just drop in at my place and we could look at it together and make a decision.............!
Happy Birthday to us all indeed, and we are beginning to think about that 2000 members mark!
Can we also offer some birthday cheers for the person who started it all ! Now, who was that.....................?
Ouch! (but maybe true Robin)
Hey Dana, just to let you know that should you want any minor repairs , or adjustment to action
etc done to your new baby, just ship it over here, I am ready, willing and able to help
. Of course, it may be some time before you get it back, what with me being old and slow
, and the instrument having to be played in an all
. lol
OK, OK, I'll leave it where it is , , there's no need to get heavy
, but it was played in commiseration with Dana's 'Lack of a Ledford'
. ( Robin, ain't you glad you know someone of her distinction,
Congratulations Dana, what good news to wake up to, I am so pleased for you, looking forward to seeing some pics of 'you two' together. You hinted just a little of its history, tell us more if you can. I hope it is to be played and not kept as a wall hanger, I should'nt worry too much about any small imperfections, the one I rebuilt for JohnS still sings a sweet song' (does this mean that I have to take down the 'Dirge for Dana' that I played on it for you, lol)
Oh Strumelia, you fickle fing !!! There's me thinking that you loved the mt'n dulcimer !
Been there, got the tee shirt, and COULD'NT do it !!!
Sounds like a great meet Robin (now where have I seen a tee shirt similar to yours before..............LOL)
I keep mine in my little bag of 'could be useful' stuff, pics, noters, spare batteries, strings, rosien, ect
WHO..... ME ? What have I done? (except use a noter !) I try to help people where possible......... sometimes complement them on their dress sense......... always apologise for my inept use of the computer, and yet get landed with the troublemaker label !!! I really must find out who the moderators on this site are.........!
At my age......................?, why, you look just a spit of a boy !!! LOL
My regards
Good morning Bob (sorry, I forget you are 'in front' of us, as we are 'infront' of them, LOL)
So far as I see it the moderators are not there so much as to censor us , tho' of course they may should it prove necessary, but to look after us. I recollect a couple of occasions in the past when the site has had 'dubious' intrusions which have always been dealt with very quickly. As Kathie has already said, humour/joshing is different for everyone, and does not travel well in some instances. I am sure that many members do not appreciate the remarks I sometimes make about my good friend John S !!! (he loves it ,honest!)
my best wishes to you
Congratulations to our moderators from 'the group across the pond' , and thanks for agreeing to do the job.
ps. Jim, keep your eye on the other two, they do have a tendency to bicker now and then!!!
To all at FOTMD
I am home, after an exciting early morning ambulance ride nearly three weeks ago to the ccu in our local hospital, where, after due deliberation, and much prodding and poking, it was decided that my old ticker needed a couple of modifications and a bit of a tune-up. Not the best way to avoid doing the Christmas Shopping, but I am assured that I shall be as good as new now, I hope that someone has told my wife, LOL.
My grand daughter has tried to keep me informed of happenings on this site, and I was surprised and gratified to hear of the comments made by my friends, thank you, I will be in touch as some as I get back in the swing, just feel a bit drained as of now.
Its good to be back tho'
Thank you Robin for such a nice compliment. I can't wait to get the one I'm working on now done so I can post it. It's called Mountain Lullaby.
John Henry I'll have to see what I can come up with to barter. LOL But Jim is a real good worker. Yesterday was our 34th anniversary so I guess I've had him this long I better keep him. LOL
Well we are going to have to get a wheel barrel for Robin to wheel her head around in after all this praise. LOL But u deserve it Robin you have been a wonderful friend on FOTMD and I think my first friend on hear. I love the way you play and envey you having a musical husband. I love mine dearly and wouldn't trade him for anything(well maybe a Homer Ledford dulcimer) but I wish he could play something like your husband. Mine has trouble tuning the radio. LOL Love ya Robin![]()
To Sam and John Henry, When I started playing melody drone with my hand, I'd already been told by my doctor not to use my thumb due to osteoarthritis that was already starting in the base joint of the thumb. My injuries were due to catching myself with my hand during falls. I hadn't smashed the fingers of the left hand just landed with my hand out stretched and on the ball of the thumb.
Many people due use their thumbs to play, but some of us can't. All I can say is if it doesn't hurt then your ok, but if using your thumb causes pain in the wrist, or sharp pains up to your shoulder, then don't use it. It's a difficult joint to replace and surgery isn't always successful. I have to be careful in how I pick things up for fear of irritating my thumbs.
John Henry said:Hello Sam, if you are an oddball then you are not alone, when not using a noter, I too mainly use my thumb. I am told by some that it is a bad habit, and I can see that point of view, but if those who are telling me had smashed their L.H.fingers in one way or another as many times as I have,they might tend to play in the same way. If playing in the manner that you do keeps you playing your dulcimer, go for it, but don't be afraid to try other ways, you might just develop into a true 'chord playing member' LOL
my regards
Sam said:Great question, great thread. My musical background parallels yours ... I have none. Got interested in the dulcimer and have been doodling with it for some weeks now. I've tried a noter and like the sound. It's different than with fingers. Fingers? Guess I'm an oddball. I use my thumb, the side of it. I put my left index finger against it like I was holding on to a penny (something us older folks are akin too I'm afraid) then use my thumb like a noter. If I shouldn't be doing this, somebody needs to tell me to quit it!
Great question, great thread. My musical background parallels yours ... I have none. Got interested in the dulcimer and have been doodling with it for some weeks now. I've tried a noter and like the sound. It's different than with fingers. Fingers? Guess I'm an oddball. I use my thumb, the side of it. I put my left index finger against it like I was holding on to a penny (something us older folks are akin too I'm afraid) then use my thumb like a noter. If I shouldn't be doing this, somebody needs to tell me to quit it!
paul-thanks for the speedy reply-appreciate your experience
Sorry John Henry, but the 1000 members don't count just yet. It seems we have a pitiful SPAMMER that has registered several times. But we're still getting close.
John Henry said:1000 up !!! Congrats Strumelia, and thank you.