***THREE CHEERS for Robin Thompson !!!***

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
I know, Bobby, it' hard to believe. Smile.gif
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Thanks, ladies! There have been few occasions in my life where I've been applauded for being chatty. 24.gif
Kendra Ward
Kendra Ward
15 years ago
10 posts
Grin.gif YAY!!!!! Robin!!!!
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
15 years ago
62 posts
You go girlSmile.gif Enjoy your posts Grin.gif Best wishes,Mary Z. Cox www.maryzcox.com
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Thank you, Sam, and I'm glad you're part of this great community!

Jane, I got such a kick out of your 2nd(?) post on ED. On what may have been your first posting you posed a question and I saw it, apparently, right after you wrote it and replied immediately. In turn, your quick response went something like, "Blimey, were you sat atop the computer?" LOL I responded that I was. Smile.gif

Friends, I'm going to risk sounding overly sentimental to say that you all have given me roses while I'm living, cheering me on. And if I could, I'd give each of you a hug.
15 years ago
169 posts
Tip O' th' Hat Robin. I enjoy your playing. You are a positive part of this community. Thank you for sharing your gift.

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
15 years ago
62 posts
Hi allRobin was the first person to meet n greet me on ED, and her generosity of friendship is like a warm cosy fire. Thanks Robin for being a friend is cyberspace; you make the dulcimer world a brighter place. xxx
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Congratulations to you & Jim, Dana! 34 years? I think it'll last. Grin.gif And I'll keep my eyes open for Mountain Lullaby. (Little Dulcimer Darlin' is wonderful!)John Henry-- 57 for you & Mrs. John Henry-- a belated congratulations! It'll be awhile before I even turn 57 so I know that's a good long time to be married. Smile.gif
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts

Oh, you've not been married for long then !!! LOL It was our fifty seventh this Sept, congrats for yesterday,JohnH
Dana R. McCall said:
Thank you Robin for such a nice compliment. I can't wait to get the one I'm working on now done so I can post it. It's called Mountain Lullaby.

John Henry I'll have to see what I can come up with to barter. LOL But Jim is a real good worker. Yesterday was our 34th anniversary so I guess I've had him this long I better keep him. LOL
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
15 years ago
168 posts
Thank you Robin for such a nice compliment. I can't wait to get the one I'm working on now done so I can post it. It's called Mountain Lullaby.John Henry I'll have to see what I can come up with to barter. LOL But Jim is a real good worker. Yesterday was our 34th anniversary so I guess I've had him this long I better keep him. LOL
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Dana, when you're as big a star as I am, you hire somebody to wheel around your head in a wheelbarrel! 24.gif John H, one of Dana's originals would be a treasure.Though Strumelia and I may no longer be kids, we're tough dulcimer players-- slappin' and poundin' away. 3.gif Again, thank you!
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts

Hey Dana, I know someone who has a Ledford, what else could you offer? Perhaps an original painting, LOL JH
Dana R. McCall said:
Well we are going to have to get a wheel barrel for Robin to wheel her head around in after all this praise. LOL But u deserve it Robin you have been a wonderful friend on FOTMD and I think my first friend on hear. I love the way you play and envey you having a musical husband. I love mine dearly and wouldn't trade him for anything(well maybe a Homer Ledford dulcimer) but I wish he could play something like your husband. Mine has trouble tuning the radio. LOL Love ya Robin69.gif
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
15 years ago
168 posts
Well we are going to have to get a wheel barrel for Robin to wheel her head around in after all this praise. LOL But u deserve it Robin you have been a wonderful friend on FOTMD and I think my first friend on hear. I love the way you play and envey you having a musical husband. I love mine dearly and wouldn't trade him for anything(well maybe a Homer Ledford dulcimer) but I wish he could play something like your husband. Mine has trouble tuning the radio. LOL Love ya Robin69.gif
15 years ago
2,323 posts

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
15 years ago
28 posts

Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
PS- Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.

And where else but on FOTMD would one ever read a sentence like that, I ask you? 24.gif
I never knew Strumelia to get physical like that.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Did I really say that ? LOL What I say and what I mean can sometimes be two different things.

Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
PS-Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.

And where else but on FOTMD would one ever read a sentence like that, I ask you? 24.gif
15 years ago
2,323 posts
Robin Thompson said:
PS-Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.
And where else but on FOTMD would one ever read a sentence like that, I ask you?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
Friends, your kind words are touching. You all have given me much, made my life so rich. . . There's just something about music and the friends I've met through music that's special.PS-John Henry, Bobby usually starts it !5.gif 24.gif
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
15 years ago
109 posts
I say two thumbs up...113.gif thanks for everything Robin... way to go.
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
15 years ago
28 posts
A+A+A+A+A+ 5 Stars, Robin!Thank you for being such a positive force here on FOTMD and ED, as well.Looking forward to seeing you at next year's Dulcimer Days at Coshocton.Michael Vickey
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
15 years ago
2,157 posts
Well deserved Robin!
Phil Myers
Phil Myers
15 years ago
28 posts
I would also like the honor of joining Robin's fan club and would really like to play together sometime.You rock, girl!!
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
15 years ago
62 posts
Robin encouraged my playing here at EZF from day one. We had a long email discussion when I was trying to decide what kind of dulcimer to buy and have had several more since.Bout as good a citizen as I've ever met.Sign me up for the fan club.
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts
Robin, thanks for hanging out with us, everything said here is well deserved and true (except for Bobby R's comment about who 'starts it', they are as bad as each other!)best wishes from 'across the pond'JohnH
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,484 posts
How lucky I feel to be a part of FOTMD and have you folks as friends! Not so many years ago, I never would've dreamed to have friends I've never met-- individuals for whom I hold great affection. You've been an encouragement to me in more ways than I can express.

And what a surprise-- a pleasant one, to be sure-- to come home after being away this evening and find this thread! Many thanks to you all.

Strumelia, you started FOTMD and it truly is a place for friends. And my brother Bobby.

6.gif 6.gif 6.gif PS-Strumelia, your percussive slaps inspired my fat felt pick pounding.
15 years ago
357 posts
Can't do cartwheels, and I don't have a race track to ride around in, but I can say "Hip-hip-hooray for Robin". 113.gif 113.gif 113.gif 113.gif
Randy Adams
Randy Adams
15 years ago
119 posts
Yeah...I love her....f'real
15 years ago
2,323 posts

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
15 years ago
48 posts
I'll join in and give three cheers for Robin. she is a positive force here and I'm glad to know her.Hip Hip Hooray.
15 years ago
2,323 posts
Let's hear it for member Robin Thompson!
Robin joined Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer on July 30, 2009. She was just the fifth member to join, and now we have over 1000 members!
If you visit Robin's page and watch her videos, you will discover that she has varied dulcimer abilities, including bowed dulcimer, box dulcimer, and has developed her own awesome personal strumming technique using a percussive felt pick. Check it out!

What's more, Robin has been a tremendous positive force in helping and encouraging other members here on FOTMD. She gives of her time and experience day after day, and has participated in over 562 discussions , mostly by expressing her genuine interest in what all of us are doing each week.

If anyone can be thought of as a wonderful ambassador for the lap dulcimer, it's Robin.
Way to go, girl.


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 02/10/25 04:58:53AM