How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?
OFF TOPIC discussions
Our bars and restaurants are only open for carry out (they bring it to your car usually) and home delivery; no inside seating. Churches closed, although that's somewhat voluntary, I think. Ours streams the service every Sunday anyway, but now they are trying to make a lot of classes and studies online and interactive. My husband's working on that project along with some other tech geeks. Many stores are doing online only and the grocery stores and Walmart, etc., have cut their hours back. Pharmacy drive-thru still open.
I'm pretty much a homebody, so I doubt I'll get cabin fever. Still, I was very disappointed to have to miss the Ohio Valley Gathering last weekend and the dulcimer retreat for this coming weekend was cancelled. We can't be in groups of more than 10 people, so all entertainment venues are shut down. I'm very very disappointed that the Road Scholar program had to cancel the spring Dulcimer Rendezvous in April in southern KY. That's always so much fun -- Susan Trump usually teaches the more advanced players, although Anne Lough did a great job filling in for her last year.
I'm disappointed, too, that the college basketball tournaments got cancelled since I usually watch most of the games...usually in my recliner with my dulcimer across the arms! Fortunately my playing softly doesn't annoy my husband!
We haven't stocked up on anything, yet, and that does concern me. I'm trying to cut back on the amount of toilet tissue I'm using, and that's good for the environment anyway!
Overall, we find these restrictions tolerable. Most of my energy is for healing up from the respiratory illness I got at the beginning of Feb. I don't want to be in germy situations anyway!