Kentucky Flood and Dulcimer History
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Thanks Salt, Ron, and Robin for you comments. I, too, thought of Mike, Doug, and all the other folks I've met in Hindman over the years. I have been ins several floods here in Pennsylvania and involved in the cleanup afterwards, but none have been as devastating as this flooding in eastern Kentucky. Our area Lutheran churches were just getting ready to send some work crews to western Kentucky to help with the rebuilding after the tornadoes. I suspect we will be doing the same as eastern Kentucky cleans up and prepares to rebuild. I usually make donations through Lutheran Disaster Response who coordinates with other religious organizations and government entities in providing relief and rebuilding aid. I will also be making direct donations to the Appalachian Artisan Center and other folks in Hindman.
Like Robin, I have been unable to view the video for which Salt provided a link past about 4:20; just after she gets inside the Troublesome Creek Instruments building. I hope sometime to be able to see the entire video.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."