Forum Activity for @ken-longfield

Ken Longfield
07/21/22 08:54:39AM
1,201 posts

Tuning peg replacement question

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Roy, Ken and Skip's suggestion is how I would handle the problem with the size of the loop. Put the non-loop end of the string through the loop, put over the end pin (knob, as you called it), and pull tight thus making a larger loop. It is a lot easier than trying to make a new loop. I suggest buying bulk strings from It is less expensive than having to buy sets all the time. Twelve 0.012 strings cost $4.03 plus shipping  and you can get five 0.022 D'Addario strings for $12.26. I think that works out to 4 sets of strings for $16.49 plus shipping with a couple of extra 0.012s. BTW, you can also make larger loops using ball end strings buy looping the plain end of the string through the ball. Best wishes as you work to make this dulcimer playable. As I recall it has a beautiful sound.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
07/18/22 02:10:55PM
1,201 posts

Tuning peg replacement question

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

It really is a very nice dulcimer although, as I recall, the shafts of the tuning pegs are rather thin. I think dropping down to a 0.020 wound string for the D would be good. The 0.012 are about right for A, but you could try a 0.014 which is 0.001 heavier than the suggested string on the Strothers' String Size calculator. 0.012 is 0.001 lighter. You might be able to get away with a 0.011 or 0.010 if they don't get too floppy when tuned up to pitch.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/27/22 10:38:36PM
1,201 posts

Wire cutter recommendations for dulcimer strings

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I don't use wire cutters. I use diagonal cutting pliers. That's not a semantic difference, but a difference in the steel alloy used in the construction of the pliers. A few years ago I purchased a set of small Husky pliers that included a small 4 inch diagonal cutting plier along with a needle nose plier and flat blade plier. They work well for instrument construction. I also have another small diagonal cutting plier that I keep in my traveling gig bag. I've had since 1974. I have a cheap pair that I bought at store called "Ollies" that sells "good stuff cheap" just to have an extra pair around. They work well also.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/25/22 11:04:03PM
1,201 posts

Mystery dulcimer, perhaps from the 70's

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Interesting dulcimer, but I have no clue as to who the builder might be.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/24/22 09:50:52AM
1,201 posts

Left handed playing

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Some left handed folks have no problem playing right handed. Let her give it a try. If that doesn't work, try restringing, but as Noah cautions, you may find some strings buzzing or binding. In that case you will need a new nut and saddle (a.k.a. bridge).


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/09/22 08:02:49PM
1,201 posts

My latest and greatest mountain dulcimer!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Congratulations on your new dulcimer. I am sure you will enjoy it and have fun playing it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/06/22 06:48:38PM
1,201 posts

Clinch Mountain Backstep

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

You're welcome Ken. Thanks to the Disney Law, the copyright is in effect for 78 years following the death of the holder and I think the heirs may be able to renew it. I'm not certain about that as it has been quite some time since I read the statute.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/06/22 10:43:06AM
1,201 posts

Clinch Mountain Backstep

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Larry, check out this discussion. It may be why you can't find a dulcimer tab.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/03/22 10:06:08AM
1,201 posts

COVID and Nursing Home Visits

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I am happy to report that our group is back playing at a local retirement center. There are three sections to the center: assisted living, nursing home, and memory unit. We played this past Wednesday at the memory unit. Next month we will play for the nursing home residents and the month after that for the assisted living folks. We play the first Wednesday of every month and are scheduled through the end of the year. Protocols require that we check in at the main desk, have our temperatures taken, receive a visitors badge, and then can proceed to where we play. Masks are required while walking through the buildings, but not while performing.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
06/01/22 05:19:47PM
1,201 posts

How Many Dulcimers Do You Own?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Joe, it is wonderful to hear that Joe Sanguinette started you on your dulcimer journey. He was a very nice gentleman and good builder. I hope you are enjoying and playing all of those "revival" dulcimers. My profile of Joe appeared in DPN Volume 23, No. 3 in 1997.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 06/01/22 05:46:06PM
Ken Longfield
05/31/22 09:54:57PM
1,201 posts

How Many Dulcimers Do You Own?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I just looked at the previous post in this discussion. I need to update my list and add a violin my wife found in a closet when doing spring cleaning. Neither one of us remembers where it came from. Also, I now have three more dulcimers and an Oscar Schmidt autoharp. I also discovered a recorder, tin whistle, and Native American flute. There are probably still more for me to find in closest and cabinets.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 06/01/22 01:14:05PM
Ken Longfield
05/24/22 11:27:23AM
1,201 posts

Kevin Roth interviews Howard Rugg

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Robin. That was a delightful interview. Six years ago I had the good fortune to visit Howard in Felton. It was rather serendipitous as my wife made a mistake in navigating our camping trip. She booked us in to a campground about a mile from Howard's shop in Felton rather than finding a place closer to the Monterey peninsula where we were headed. I had a great visit with Howard. He is just as you see him in this video with Kevin and Bosco.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
05/01/22 10:26:33AM
1,201 posts

Introduce Yourself!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Teddy, I thought of you at worship this morning. Psalm 30 was the appointed Psalm. I particularly liked verses 2 & 3: "O Lord, my God, I cried out to you and your restored my health. You brought me up, O Lord, from the dead; you restored my life as I was going down to the grave." These verses were particularly meaningful for me before and after my open heart surgery which was almost a year and half ago now.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/30/22 11:20:01AM
1,201 posts

Introduce Yourself!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Good luck Teddy on your dulcimer journey. Playing a mountain dulcimer is very therapeutic. There are serveral styles of playing, but as a piper you may like the noter/drone as a starting point. In that style you play the melody on one string (the one closest to you as you hold the dulcimer on you lap) and the other two or three strings act as drones. I'm sure you are familiar with it. Once you receive your new dulcimer and start playing don't hesitate to ask in the forums if you have any questions. As you know by now, we are happy to offer any help we can. Best wishes.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/28/22 05:51:00PM
1,201 posts

Stanley Hicks / David Love dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Greg, thanks for the information on the Hicks/Love connection. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge of the Watauga County dulcimer community.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 04/28/22 05:52:00PM
Ken Longfield
04/23/22 02:04:51PM
1,201 posts

Fret addition?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Lois, I'm not really a bum ditty player. I'm more like Don Pedi describes as syllable player fitting the strums to the words of songs. As I understand bum ditty it is a single strum followed by a double strum. You can also do ditty bum which is the opposite; a double strum followed by a single strum. Hope that helps you.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/23/22 12:42:23PM
1,201 posts

Fret addition?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Not much to add that hasn't already been said. Like, Dan, I hope you are not planning to add a fret to a hundred year old dulcimer or one from on of the historic traditional builders. Keep in in mind that adding the 6 1/2 fret is not just putting a fret midway between the sixth and seventh frets. You need to calculate the proper placement for the 6 1/2 fret either by doing the math yourself or using a fret calculator. If you already have the equipment to do the job yourself, go ahead. If not you may find it less expensive to have it done by a professional.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/23/22 12:31:28PM
1,201 posts

Teaching Advice

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Lorilee, my oldest grandson is also on the autism spectrum. He is 13 and in junior high school (8th grade). Early on I tried to interest him in dulcimer, but was unsuccessful. He is in the middle school band and plays percussion. His father helps him. His father is not a percussionist, but plays guitar, trumpet, and piano and has picked up some percussion from being in bands. Our grandson seems to identify with the various patterns of drumming as well as different intensities (soft to loud). I don't know if one of his stims (watching things spin) is related to his drumming or not. He is not particularly proficient in math but is very good a remembering numbers.

You could approach your granddaughter by doing some simple counting. Count the scale 0 - 7 (if in DAd) or 3 -10 (DAA). Start with one strum per note, then add a strum to each note, and so forth. You can then introduce different rhythms 3/4, 4/4, etc. I suggest she use her index finger to do the noting even if you have to lower the strings in pitch a little bit. Holding a noter can be frustrating until you master the technique. Slipping in to the middle string causing an extra rattling noise can be disturbing. Of course, you can show her how to hold the noter properly and she how she does. Take it slowly in small increments at first. Don't force it. If she shows an interest, help her to be successful at it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/16/22 11:55:51AM
1,201 posts

virtual fest from Hindman KY

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Robin. That not only honors Cari but also brings back some wonderful memories.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/09/22 09:16:48AM
1,201 posts

virtual fest from Hindman KY

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I've enjoyed both Don's and Joellen's presentations. I was disappointed in yesterday's presentation on Troublesome Creek instruments as they couldn't get the Powerpoint to work. I hope they get it together by the Traditional Dulcimore Gathering in Berea as Doug is to present the Powerpoint there also. Looking forward to Don's workshop this afternoon.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/07/22 09:03:03AM
1,201 posts

12 String Guitar

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I didn't notice this post before either. My only experience with at 12 string guitar was a Yamaha that a college roommate owned. I played around with it some, but I never got into it. That was over 50 years ago. I do like the sound of a 12 string, but it is not something I enjoy playing.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
04/02/22 09:39:21AM
1,201 posts

Simerman Dulcimers

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

A friend of mine had an accident with her Simerman dulcimer and asked if I could repair it for her. Here are before and after photos. I learned that having lots of small sound holes make a repair of this type very difficult.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

DSCN0197.JPG DSCN0197.JPG - 370KB
Ken Longfield
03/27/22 06:50:58PM
1,201 posts

Dulcimer design question

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Well, it depends on who responds. The theory is that with less contact with the fret board, the top is freer to vibrated thus enhancing the sound. There are so many variables to what effects the sound of the dulcimer and this is just one of many.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
03/26/22 10:30:40AM
1,201 posts

HELP- Broken tuner peg

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

All good suggestions. I am interested to hear how you replace this tuning pin. Like others here in over forty years of working with autoharps and hammered dulcimers I've never seen that happen to a pin.


"The dulcimer sings a new song."

Ken Longfield
03/26/22 10:23:30AM
1,201 posts

International Appalachian Dulcimer Day

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

This is good music folks! Thanks for sharing you talent on IADD.


"The dulcimer (and its players) sing a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
03/24/22 07:45:03PM
1,201 posts

A New addition to the Dulcimore Family

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

What Ken Hulme said. Enjoy playing it Richard.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
03/19/22 01:24:35PM
1,201 posts

nice article on the McSpadden shop

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

That's a good article on the Dulcimer Shoppe and McSpadden. Thanks for sharing it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
03/06/22 01:41:21PM
1,201 posts

Fret necessary?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

True, but it sounds better to me without having to bump over that extra fret imho.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 03/06/22 01:42:01PM
Ken Longfield
03/06/22 10:12:40AM
1,201 posts

Fret necessary?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I have dulcimers with and without the 6 1/2 fret. When playing with a noter I prefer the dulcimers without. When playing chords, if prefer the one with. There are exceptions to both of those preferences from time to time.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
03/02/22 11:13:40AM
1,201 posts

Wormy Chestnut for dulcimers - Clifford Glenn

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I doubt that banjo strings were used by early because of the sound they produced. My guess is that banjo strings were used because they had loop rather than ball ends (guitar strings). It was a matter of which type of string was easier to attach to the dulcimer.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/24/22 07:40:50PM
1,201 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

National Guitar is February 11.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/22/22 09:54:52AM
1,201 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Not exactly good for outdoor activities in my part of the world, but I have no objections.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/21/22 10:54:19AM
1,201 posts

Micarta fret board

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I have Richlite fretboards on two of my Martin guitars. You can't see a difference between it and ebony and I think the Richlite lets you slide better than ebony.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/20/22 10:25:21AM
1,201 posts


Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

It's a good question and you have received good answers. In the end, what is most important is that the dulcimer appeals to you and makes you happy when you play/use it. If you don't like the instrument for whatever reason, you aren't going to play it. Some people like fancy inlays and bindings, others don't. Some like hourglass shape, and others don't. If hourglass dulcimers with beautiful woods are aesthetically pleasing to you go for that, because that is what you will enjoy playing and it won't really matter whether you have a flat or scroll peg head.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/20/22 10:08:05AM
1,201 posts

Wormy Chestnut for dulcimers - Clifford Glenn

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

That Clifford Glenn dulcimer is beautiful; a real treasure. You've been given good advice, so I have nothing to add to it. Just enjoy the dulcimer.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/18/22 01:37:54PM
1,201 posts

Bridge placement

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

No, Steven. You measure the distance to the 7th fret (actually the center of the top of the 7th fret) and double that distance.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/18/22 01:34:46PM
1,201 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

I hope I'm not giving the wrong impression. I spent 40 years working with teenagers and enjoy them. I was being facetious in my first post about our teenage years here on FOTMD.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/18/22 02:28:46AM
1,201 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

For sure Robin. My oldest grandson just turned 13 last week. Hence my comment.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
02/17/22 08:14:36PM
1,201 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Oh, no! Another teenager.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
