I'm Leaving, on a jet-plane...la la la

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
8 years ago
2,157 posts

D -- a simple wooden box can be made pretty inexpensively with Poplar -- see my "possum box" in Sandi's thread talking about bags and cases.

When you get the instrument, take exact width/length/height measurements, and I'll make you a box for it -- at cost.

updated by @ken-hulme: 08/14/16 05:41:22PM
8 years ago
244 posts

~take me with you~

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
8 years ago
139 posts

Never mind! I just found an earlier discussion and now I have my answer! Thanks for the article link Dusty!

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
8 years ago
139 posts

We have dear friends who visit each year from London. Last year, the gal, Lianne, a gifted artist, sat down with my dulcimer and basically taught herself to play. They are coming back soon and I would love to find a reasonably priced dulcimer and gift her with that and some books and a capo. 

The problem is (besides finding a great deal)...how will she manage to get it back to London in one piece? A hard case runs around $185 and that's going to be out of my price range. I had heard the air lines have had to accommodate musicians because of some recent damages.

If she can carry it on, that would really help. Thoughts? Ideas?  dulcimer