I got confirmation that the horseshoe or mirrored 2 or whatever is indeed McSpadden before he changed to the Name Brand. Jim Woods confirmed it and will speak with Larry as to when the change occurred. Also confirmed that on these older dulcimers bone was used on some, while others had linen bakelite (micarta) bridges. There may also been the occasional Ivory, during that era, on the higher end units. When I get this one I will put it under a scope as see what it is. Linen Micarta (no longer used), as todays micarta is canvas made apparently, has similar striations with ivory and the difference is difficult to determine without high power magnification. I am expecting linen micarta. This is the md that is being sent.
Questions about the bridge
Ken Hulme
4 years ago
2,157 posts
Looks like some form of Delrin plastic -- essentially the same thing they use today. Doesn't look like bone.