Makeing Bread

13 years ago
357 posts

Phil, Is the bread called "Hanseaten bread" Vollweizenbrot would be whole wheat bread, but I don't seem to find "Hanseaten" brot recipe.

Spoke too soon, I'm getting there. "Hanseatenbrot" a mostly RYE bread

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts
Phil, I make our bread though don't do anything fancy or unusual. Just jumping in to wish you luck in finding a recipe!PS-Do you have any German-speaking friends who may offer guidance?
13 years ago
129 posts

Boy I hope someone out there can help me. I am looking for a bread recipe for a bread that is made in Germany. Our new Daughter-in-law is from Hamburg and is missing her favorite bread. I have Looked every on-line but can't seem to find it. "Hanseaten bread"- its a dark whole wheat bread. I would like to make a couple of loafs for her if I can find the recipe.

updated by @phil: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM