info wanted on inherited dulcimer

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
3 years ago
214 posts

This fellow was quite well known around Raleigh and Garner NC.  His obit mentions him as a dulcimer builder among other things.  Here's the link if anyone wants to read it.

updated by @salt-springs: 12/01/22 11:59:06AM
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 years ago
2,157 posts

It shouldn't need much, if any 'setup".  Just perhaps a new set of strings, wiping with a damp cloth, and a couple drops of Peg Dope to make sure the pegs work smoothly.  

3 years ago
2 posts

His obit googled right up…I’m going to take it to the local luthier and get it set up and give it a try…it seems to be a decent build…

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 years ago
2,157 posts

I've never heard of Robert Bryan as a North Carolina builder.  But with over 400 builds he had some superior building skills.  The veined, leaf shaped tuning pegs, the laminated layers of light wood between dark on the tuning head and fretboard, and  skillfully cut sound holes are nice touches.  Probably built in the 1970s or 80s -- no 6+ or 13+ frets common to many post-Revival instruments.  Or perhaps he just liked the older ways of playing.  

I'd suggest keeping it "as is" rather than trying to retrofit 6+ and 13+ frets.  Playing Chord-Melody style tuned DAd would not be easy unless you are willing to re-tune.  Probably best to tune to DAA or even CGG and learn to play Fingerdance or Noter & Drone style.

Have you tried finding the builder's obituary on line?    "robert bryan dulcimer raleigh" should be a good google search string.  An obit will often give you interesting information,  likewise listings in Ancestry and similar sites may gain you more data.

3 years ago
2 posts

I inherited this dulcimer from a friend. It has a label stating it was made by Robert Bryan of Raleigh. It has the number 412 handwritten on the label. My search doesn't reveal any time frame associated with the number. I can only find that Mr Bryan passed away in 2010. 

Does anyone in the group have any idea as to the age of this instrument? Regardless of value it is very special to me. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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