Dulcimer and yoga practice?

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
11 years ago
96 posts

LOL! No problem, Gwyn. Jerry has a brand new album out too called "Tapping at the Edge of Paradise" that isn't yet on iTunes, but you can download it here: http://jerryrockwell.bandcamp.com

Gwyn Calvetti
Gwyn Calvetti
11 years ago
12 posts

Oops, Guy. My husband was talking about a friend named Gary while I tried to concentrate!

Gwyn Calvetti
Gwyn Calvetti
11 years ago
12 posts

Thanks Gary, I hadn't seen that one before. It would be nice for when I practice at home, too.

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
11 years ago
96 posts

Haven't played for a yoga class, but I do like Jerry Rockwell's album Nine Meditations for Dulcimer in my yoga practice!

Gwyn Calvetti
Gwyn Calvetti
11 years ago
12 posts

This is one of those off the wall questions. At the yoga studio where I practice, there have been some special workshops offered. A couple who leads yoga practice while the husband plays his cello to enhance the moves. One with a guitar. I spotted a studio in North Carolina that offers something like this with the mountain dulcimer. I'm curious if anyone here has ever done something like this with their dulcimer or their own yoga practice?

updated by @gwyn-calvetti: 06/09/16 08:21:50PM