Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
6 years ago
1,197 posts

Along with others, I am happy to answer any questions you have about building dulcimers, etc. I started building in 1974 but only as a hobby. I've sold a few over the years, Right now I'm more in to making reproductions of old dulcimers and Pennsylvania German zitters.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

6 years ago
134 posts

Welcome Steve, there are lots of great members in these forums. Harry

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
6 years ago
2,157 posts

Steve there is a Group here specifically for asking/answering dulcimer building questions.  Go to the Groups button above and find the Dulcimer Building Group and Join it -- you have to Join to be able to read/post.  We've helped any number of people get started building or solve specific problems.  Welcome to FOTMD!

updated by @ken-hulme: 07/15/19 06:06:16PM
6 years ago
16 posts

John, Thanks. There is one builder in my area,  southeast Texas. Not looking at being in competition. He has a very established reputation of fine dulcimers. His shop has cnc machines. I’ll depend on jigs for repetition. Don’t think he’ll have to worry about me. Thanks again John. Looking forward to keeping in touch.

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
6 years ago
422 posts

Welcome, Steve!  This is THE PLACE to ask questions about dulcimer history, and design and building of the same.

I'll try to help you, along with many others here who have a lot of experience in the field.  If you look through some of the previous posts, you should find answers to questions.  Have fun!

6 years ago
16 posts

Play guitar, ukulele. Was in an antique store and found a dulcimer in very good condition. No strings. Cleaned it up. Bought strings at my local family owned music store. Did a lot of searching on the internet and found that this brand was made in Kerrville, Texas around the 80’s. The co. went out of business in 2003. It’s made from cherry. I started about 20 years gathering luthier tools. I now have all the tools to build practically any acoustic instrument. I’ve been woodworking over 35 years and have accumulated many hand tools and power tools. I have lots of wood to build instruments and want to start building dulcimers. Want to be able ask questions of the forum members when I need help with building a dulcimer. Thanks, steve104c.