3 years ago
509 posts


Thank you all for the input and suggestions.I found Mr.McCafferty online and ordered one of his capos[tuner included!] .I also stocked up on strings.It's hard to find suitable gauges and lengths for the dulcimer in Canada,in my experience.

That's great to hear. You will not be disappointed.  Those with the tuner look like a great idea (I got mine before he came out with those). Glad we could be of some help to you. 

3 years ago
19 posts

Thank you all for the input and suggestions.I found Mr.McCafferty online and ordered one of his capos[tuner included!].I also stocked up on strings.It's hard to find suitable gauges and lengths for the dulcimer in Canada,in my experience.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
3 years ago
1,784 posts

@davisjames, I took the liberty as a Moderator of moving your question here to the Forum on specific features of dulcimers and instrument questions.  The "Site Questions" Forum is for questions about how this website works.  I hope you understand.

Ron Ewing is often credited as the one who basically invented the dulcimer capo several decades ago.  I have a much fancier capo that cost about three times what one of Ron's does, but it doesn't work any better.  I'm sure Terry's are great too. I play one of his dulcimers but haven't bought a capo from him.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
3 years ago
57 posts

Yes, Terry McCafferty’s capos are wonderful. I cannot brag enough about his capos. They are worth every penny.

As a guitar player, I have been spoiled by inexpensive capos that work great for the guitar. 

I even wrote Terry after my capo arrived to personally thank him. 

3 years ago
509 posts

Terry McCafferty makes some really nice capos for a little more money than the economical Ewing capos (which are generally a good value). I have purchased 4 of Terry's capos. Nice mechanism, consistent pressure across the favorite dulcimer capo.

updated by @susie: 01/24/22 06:17:10PM
3 years ago
19 posts

Can anyone recommend a good dulcimer capo?I had one but the "legs' were too bigl and I broke it trying to tighten it enough to clamp down on the strings of my Folkroots..In this case less is more....As an aside,I used to somehow use an elastic band and a pencil as a capo[laugh] before I knew that dulcimer capos existed...much easier to have a good capo...
