'Peace in the Family'  dulcimer tab

3 years ago
620 posts

I do like my tab (still not posted) but after many tries & not liking any of the dulcimers sounds, or picks, or tones, I created - stopping for today - but this is what I have. Trying maybe to put too much in (explosions, marching, crying, hope) and it just sounds the same. Oh well


3 years ago
620 posts

What if we have a challenge to play - any instrument (music & chords included with tabs) - 'Peace in the Family' - Ukrainian Folk Song?

How many peaceful music hugs can we share to our groups & friends and ones in need - world wide?

What can we do as musicians? Any ideas?

3 years ago
620 posts

By the By - both of the dulcimer tabs of "Peace in the Family"

by Peggy Carter & Laurie Alsobrook can be shared.

So, share with your group - Pass on this Hug.

3 years ago
620 posts

Dulcimer Music Tab for 'Peace in the Family' recording, I posted March 1. My tab is just a handwritten tab under Corey's (NHCDS) music notes so not included - but below are 2 dulcimer tabs that you have permission to share and we hope you do.  It's a beautiful song and not hard. Their are 2 different tabs, both similar & different - play both arrangements. 

Music is so powerful, it can bring Tears to our Eyes, Smiles to our Faces & a Warm feeling to our Hearts. We hope you do share; to offer a hug, a prayer & the hope of peace - from our hearts to many others

Peace in the Family - Ukrainian Folk Song

Dulcimer Tab Arr: by Laurie Alsobrook - Send in the Music March 5, 2022


by Peggy Carter, Dulcimer Music

updated by @marg: 03/06/22 09:12:44AM