3 years ago
191 posts

The Kentucky and North Carolina pieces were usually around 28 inch VSL.  (29 inch was common) The Virginia pieces were closer to 26 inch VSL. (Many shorter than that!) With that said, there were pieces in all regions that fell longer and shorter! Basically the Kentucky would have been a few inches longer than the Virginia in VSL...why? I have no idea. VSL is just one variation, the Virginians also pushed the nut farther up the staple board where as the Kentucky kept it agin the tail piece. Very different tonal qualities between the two methods, personal preference I suppose.

Homer Ross
Homer Ross
3 years ago
18 posts

Years ago a gentleman from KY taught me how to build a mountain dulcimer. Do not remember how the conversion went but he indicated the VSL and fretboard lay out was based on a KY dulcimer. So I'm wondering if there were regional differences in the VSL. If there were differences was there a large difference? If the VSL from one state to the next was similar I wonder how that occurred.