Jim Schulte
Jim Schulte
3 years ago
3 posts

John Knopf made a very good replacement peg.  It is great to hear the sweet voice of the John Maxwell dulcimer.   Jim

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 years ago
2,157 posts

John C. Knopf:

Jim, I have an old John Maxwell dulcimer that was missing a peg when I bought it. I fashioned a new one of maple that looked similar to the original.  His pegs were distinctive.

Jim:   There's your luthier who knows Maxwell dulcimers and could fashion a new peg for you!!

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
3 years ago
423 posts

Jim, I have an old John Maxwell dulcimer that was missing a peg when I bought it. I fashioned a new one of maple that looked similar to the original.  His pegs were distinctive.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 years ago
2,157 posts

Exactly what Dan said.  The luthier would have to have your instrument in hand to make a replica peg; it's not something that can be done from a distance.

updated by @ken-hulme: 07/12/22 07:13:53AM
3 years ago
191 posts

No there is no off the shelf peg for your dulcimer. Each maker had his own way of making pegs and the pegs were "fitted" to it's own hole. If you can find a local luthier learned in historical dulcimer making, they can "make" you a peg and "fit" it.

Jim Schulte
Jim Schulte
3 years ago
3 posts

I have obtained a John Maxwell dulcimer (1975) three string, which is missing a tuner peg - friction, wooden, with a very large finger hold.  The exterior hole diameter is 11.2 mm, interior size of same hole is 10.34 mm - exterior diameter of hole on the opposite side of the head is 7.6 mm.  Do not seem to be able to find anything resembling the original tuning pegs.  Open to suggestions.  Jim