Information on luthier Larry Wilson?

2 years ago
358 posts

Haha, well while I'm definitely no expert in the standard behavior of woodworkers, but I do know that a lot of people have a grandfather who built a handful of dulcimers for friends and family, and when those get sold, it can be almost impossible to find info about them. 

You do make a very good point. Dulcimers can come in different intonations (such as meantone or Just-intonated), or have a bridge setup for a tuning with a specific gauge of strings such as DAA, or AEA, so buying from an obscure luthier increases those risks.

Sea Strings
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts


I think it's somewhat common for skilled woodworkers to build a couple of dulcimers for fun, which then end up in circulation with very little info about their builder. I wonder if this may be like that.


Being pretty clueless about the standard behavior of woodworkers giggle2 , I didn't even think of that, but it does sound Very Plausible from a purely logical standpoint.

It also sounds like I could end up with a specific variant of DAD involving dulcimers of obscure origin, so I should probably be careful about that...

updated by @sea-strings: 08/30/23 04:10:51PM
2 years ago
358 posts

After trying to dig a bit, I came across several woodworkers with the name Larry Wilson, but couldn't find anything specifically about dulcimers from any of them. Whoever he is, he doesn't seem to have much online presence. I think it's somewhat common for skilled woodworkers to build a couple of dulcimers for fun, which then end up in circulation with very little info about their builder. I wonder if this may be like that.

updated by @nate: 08/30/23 03:08:49PM
Sea Strings
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts

@john-c-knopf Those Wilsons did pop up in my futile searching, and the inlay and pretty sound holes on their instruments do look lovely!

The only other leads I found on Googling are that there's a Larry Wilson Band (looks like a guitarist, but I suppose he could make dulcimers in his spare time), and this list of musical Larry Wilsons on , but that's it. The mysterious dulcimer-making Larry Wilson may yet remain mysterious...

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
2 years ago
423 posts

Sorry, the only dulcimer luthiers I've come across named "Wilson" are Richard and Denise Wilson of Manitou Beach, MI.  They did phenomenal work.  He built the critters, then she did the beautiful inlay work.  Don't think they're doing this any more.

Sea Strings
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts

Hello, dulcimerians!

Recently I've been poking around at the used dulcimer selection online, and I came across some dulcimers signed by Larry Wilson. There's not a lot of information on the listings, and Googling and searching the forums here hasn't revealed much either, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask: Anyone know of a luthier named Larry Wilson or anything about his instruments?

Thanks in advance for any help! sun