Carry on baggage/dulcimer and ND related
This can be a very confusing issue. You never know what's going to change. Since airlines started charging for checked luggage, the # of carry-ons must have increased. Three weeks ago we flew to Hawai`i. On two flights over Mrs.Wanda's carry on had to be gate checked. But the guitar and ukulele we were carrying went as carry ons. The guitar went into a closet and the uke in the overhead bin. On the 3rd flight, the guitar even went into the overhead. And this was no gig bag, but a large heavy plywood case. I expected to gate check it, but they never asked me to do so.But most larger carr on bags ended up gate checked. It may not be long until the rules for carry on luggage are rewriten.Paul
In July my husband and daughter took an overseas trip with just carryon luggage. One bag, under the seat size and one smaller than normalcarry on for the over head bin. When they got to the gate they foundout that they had to check the larger bags as the bins were alreadyfull on the Chicago to Philadelphia leg of the journey. Fortunatelywhen they switched planes in Philly they got to carry their luggage onfor the second leg of their journey. Airlines don't have to guaranteethat your carry on luggage will go carry on.
You can be the first one at the gate, but the order in which you get on as a passenger is set up by seating. So you can arrive early, be last boarded and find no room for your things.
So just to remindanyone who is planning a trip and perhaps thinking of carrying on adulcimer, you could be facing the same over stuffed bin situation. Besure your dulcimer is packed for check in, as even standard carry onluggage may end up in the belly of the plane.
updated by @folkfan: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM
You can be the first one at the gate, but the order in which you get on as a passenger is set up by seating. So you can arrive early, be last boarded and find no room for your things.
So just to remindanyone who is planning a trip and perhaps thinking of carrying on adulcimer, you could be facing the same over stuffed bin situation. Besure your dulcimer is packed for check in, as even standard carry onluggage may end up in the belly of the plane.
updated by @folkfan: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM