Hindman Boys (and Gal)

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 months ago
1,125 posts

I agree Robin. The Culture of Recovery is a wonderful program. The luthiery and Troublesome Creek Stringed Instrument Company are a great way to give people the opportunity to develop a skill and turn their lives around. Kudos to all involved.


"the dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 months ago
1,445 posts

What a moving, touching episode!  Music has the power to touch us all in so many ways and on so many different levels.  All the stories presented are heartening.  And what is going on in Hindman KY will, I hope, continue to bring folks together for common purpose.  

Thanks for letting us know about this, Dan, and thank you for your work with Doug and all at the luthier shop in Hindman!  Was a treat to see Sarah Kate and Willow, too!  

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 months ago
1,445 posts

It appears it will be available on my local PBS affiliate at 9, too.  

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 months ago
1,125 posts

Me, too. It's on at 9 p.m. EDT on my PBS station.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 months ago
1,445 posts

I'm hoping to get to watch this evening! 

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 months ago
1,125 posts

I agree with Robin. Can't wait to see the show.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 months ago
1,445 posts

Thanks, Dan-- the trailer looks really good! 

3 months ago
185 posts



Will air again:

Wednesday, May 01

01:00 am ET

updated by @dan: 04/18/24 07:26:53AM
3 months ago
185 posts

...will be in a PBS program Tuesday night the 30th.


updated by @dan: 04/18/24 07:22:44AM